No till drill help please


Senior Member
Well. Fall sat bone dry while the turkey devoured our seed. Then the floods rolled in. Washed a bunch away. I reseeded and finally got some growth. Deer were on it! Freeze knocked it to nothing. This spring and fall food plot fight is an expensive gamble at best. I think a drill makes more sense to me.

1. Seed hits the right depth.

2. You don't waste so much seed.

3. It's harder for turkey and birds to get as much.

4. It greatly reduces run off and erosion.

5. I'm not destroying the soil structure twice a year with tilling.

What no till drill do you recommend for an ATV? I also want to plant some wildflowers and pollinator areas. I'm told that requires a vibration deal to get the seeds to feed. Is this an aftermarket universal option for any drill? Any help is appreciated.


Senior Member
Good luck!! Just entered the food plot no till world as a Christmas gift to myself since the wife didn't oblige. I went with a Kasco eco drill. Racking my brain now on the best way to plant a 5 way mix or if it is even possible. Clover only needs a small seed opening but the peas/wheat etc need a much larger opening. It is going to be a learning process for me. I think I may just choose single seed bags for the most part and make 3 or 4 passes with each seed if I want a mix in the plot. Or I suppose I could make a single pass with a small opening and then open it to the largest seed opening for another pass if using a mix. Lots of Trial and error coming in 2023.


Senior Member
Good luck!! Just entered the food plot no till world as a Christmas gift to myself since the wife didn't oblige. I went with a Kasco eco drill. Racking my brain now on the best way to plant a 5 way mix or if it is even possible. Clover only needs a small seed opening but the peas/wheat etc need a much larger opening. It is going to be a learning process for me. I think I may just choose single seed bags for the most part and make 3 or 4 passes with each seed if I want a mix in the plot. Or I suppose I could make a single pass with a small opening and then open it to the largest seed opening for another pass if using a mix. Lots of Trial and error coming in 2023.

That is a big money drill. I bet you will love it after you figure it out. Post some photos on here please. What are you pulling it with?


Senior Member
I have a 90hp John Deere. Plenty of machine to pull it. Kasco guys are helpful. I talked to the head of the company for 15 minutes last week picking his brain. I sent him an email with a question or two and he told me to call him so I did. Basically told me that food plot mixes are not developed for people with drills for the most part but gave me tips on how to plant them using the drill.

tree cutter 08

Senior Member
I've used one for 2 seasons now. Wheat, oats clover, turnips. I just fill the boxes full of the mix and set it for the oats and let it rip. Has done great so far.