Senior Member
If the pastor is a homosexual, then why would they go and sit under such abominable teachings. A pastor is supposed to be the leader of his flock, and to teach the true gospel, how can that pastor teach the true gospel when God said Himself that homosexuality is an abomination?
Every pastor sins, you cant pick one sin and say that somebody should not be a pastor of a church because of that one sin. However, I feel that if someone is obviously sinning and feels no remorse about those sins then they should probably not be leading a church. IMO. She knows that homosexuality is a sin, if she truly beleives what the bible says. She might be doing a number of different things in her mind to make it ok. If she has a relationship with Jesus she will one day be conficted of her sin. But if people want to go here her talk about Christ and God and learn from her out of the Bible, to each there own. Just because she chose homosexuality doesnt mean she is not going to heaven just like you or me. There is a huge can of worms being opened here, should a women even lead a church? what about a pastor that has an affair, should he keep leading the church? There is endless discussion that could be had about these things. All that matters in the end is everyone's relationship or non-relationship with Christ.