Question for Christian Lurkers


Senior Member
If the pastor is a homosexual, then why would they go and sit under such abominable teachings. A pastor is supposed to be the leader of his flock, and to teach the true gospel, how can that pastor teach the true gospel when God said Himself that homosexuality is an abomination?

Every pastor sins, you cant pick one sin and say that somebody should not be a pastor of a church because of that one sin. However, I feel that if someone is obviously sinning and feels no remorse about those sins then they should probably not be leading a church. IMO. She knows that homosexuality is a sin, if she truly beleives what the bible says. She might be doing a number of different things in her mind to make it ok. If she has a relationship with Jesus she will one day be conficted of her sin. But if people want to go here her talk about Christ and God and learn from her out of the Bible, to each there own. Just because she chose homosexuality doesnt mean she is not going to heaven just like you or me. There is a huge can of worms being opened here, should a women even lead a church? what about a pastor that has an affair, should he keep leading the church? There is endless discussion that could be had about these things. All that matters in the end is everyone's relationship or non-relationship with Christ.


Senior Member
If the pastor is a homosexual, then why would they go and sit under such abominable teachings. A pastor is supposed to be the leader of his flock, and to teach the true gospel, how can that pastor teach the true gospel when God said Himself that homosexuality is an abomination?

Because they're unrepentant, liberal, homo loving, Bible spittin' on, Universalist, Kum Ba Ya singin', Devil lettin' in, non descernin', Humanist, whatever feels good, bringin' down America, Commie, Pinko, Tree huggin', Jesus haters.

Every pastor sins, you cant pick one sin and say that somebody should not be a pastor of a church because of that one sin. However, I feel that if someone is obviously sinning and feels no remorse about those sins then they should probably not be leading a church. IMO. She knows that homosexuality is a sin, if she truly beleives what the bible says. She might be doing a number of different things in her mind to make it ok. If she has a relationship with Jesus she will one day be conficted of her sin. But if people want to go here her talk about Christ and God and learn from her out of the Bible, to each there own. Just because she chose homosexuality doesnt mean she is not going to heaven just like you or me. There is a huge can of worms being opened here, should a women even lead a church? what about a pastor that has an affair, should he keep leading the church? There is endless discussion that could be had about these things. All that matters in the end is everyone's relationship or non-relationship with Christ.

Being a Homo is a sin (according to the Bible). She has no justification for being a pastor. We should water board her until she renounces her gayness. I know where she lives.


Senior Member
stringmusik, you're dead wrong dude, study your bible and you'll see where God commands us to repent, which means "to turn away from" our sins. If she keeps living that lifestyle, then there's no repentance. Besides, wonder what her answer would be if someone asked her if God was lying when HE said homosexuality was an abomination? Maybe she left that part out her bible.

Also if you read in Timothy, you'll see the qualifications of a pastor, and it says must be HUSBAND of ONE wife. How does she get around that. It would be hard for me sit and listen to anyone teaching a class that doesn't believe wholeheartedly in what they teach.


Senior Member
stringmusik, you're dead wrong dude, study your bible and you'll see where God commands us to repent, which means "to turn away from" our sins. If she keeps living that lifestyle, then there's no repentance. Besides, wonder what her answer would be if someone asked her if God was lying when HE said homosexuality was an abomination? Maybe she left that part out her bible.

Also if you read in Timothy, you'll see the qualifications of a pastor, and it says must be HUSBAND of ONE wife. How does she get around that? It would be hard for me sit and listen to anyone teaching a class that doesn't believe wholeheartedly in what they teach.

Seems like she's trying.


Senior Member
stringmusik, you're dead wrong dude, study your bible and you'll see where God commands us to repent, which means "to turn away from" our sins. If she keeps living that lifestyle, then there's no repentance. Besides, wonder what her answer would be if someone asked her if God was lying when HE said homosexuality was an abomination? Maybe she left that part out her bible.

Also if you read in Timothy, you'll see the qualifications of a pastor, and it says must be HUSBAND of ONE wife. How does she get around that. It would be hard for me sit and listen to anyone teaching a class that doesn't believe wholeheartedly in what they teach.

According to OT scripture, if you eat shrimp, you are committing an abomination against god just the same as she is by being a homosexual.

Does your pastor eat shrimp? You should find out, because if he does, then he clearly does not believe wholeheartedly in what he teaches.


Senior Member
Lifestyle, other than who she is having sex with what part of her lifestyle do you know anything about?

None of it I suspect other than the fact that we know she spends alot more time in church, than many of us.

Scripture has been used by man to justify slavery, Jesus didn't consider it a moral wrong evidently, in fact he told servants to obey their masters as if they were serving him. Yet today we hold that slavery is a moral wrong absolutely.

Yet we are to consider that homosexuality cannot have shifted based on the knowledge we have gained about it that people of the time and context of the bible didn't have.


Senior Member
According to OT scripture, if you eat shrimp, you are committing an abomination against god just the same as she is by being a homosexual.

Does your pastor eat shrimp? You should find out, because if he does, then he clearly does not believe wholeheartedly in what he teaches.

This is what I'm talking about emus, you cant pick out one sin and say someone should not be a pastor, people will pick it apart.(see above statement in red) I don't agree with a with a homosexuall pastor, some do and thats fine with me, It has nothing to do with salvation issues, that is my whole point.


Senior Member
Does your pastor eat shrimp? You should find out, because if he does, then he clearly does not believe wholeheartedly in what he teaches.

You are incorrect. 1st - God's Commandments != Levitical Code. 2nd - You still don't get it. The "law" was never intended as a guidebook to show us how to live. It's purpose is to show that we need a Savior.

Romans 3:19b-20 "for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show that the entire world is guilty before God. For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are."


Senior Member
You are incorrect. 1st - God's Commandments != Levitical Code. 2nd - You still don't get it. The "law" was never intended as a guidebook to show us how to live. It's purpose is to show that we need a Savior.

Romans 3:19b-20 "for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show that the entire world is guilty before God. For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are."

So we both believe there is nothing immoral about homosexuality. Glad we agree on something.


Senior Member
So we both believe there is nothing immoral about homosexuality. Glad we agree on something.

If that's your attempt at a proposition, my answer is 'no'. :rofl: Sorry, but I'm happily married (to the wonderful woman in my avitar).

IMHO - Mainstream "Christianity" has long ago incorrectly drawn a line in the sand on homosexuality. That is a sanctification issue, not a salvation issue. In fact, I've got a friend that is a homosexual and [much more recently] a Christian. What she realized is that God's love transcends all that, and He loves her the same as He loves me or you.

If you are asking if homosexuality is a "sin"... I can only tell you that decision is WAY above my pay grade.

There was once a old preacher that looked at me and said these words: "I let God alone judge a sin, a sin". I figure the wisdom of his years proved right many times over.

PS - I was trying to 'trick' him into an answer on the same subject at the time.


Senior Member
:rofl: So why did you choose to be straight? When did you make that decision?

I am going to start the answer by asking a question. were you born asexual?
Definition of asexual (adj)
a·sex·u·al [ ay sékshoo É™l ]
sexually inactive: without sexual desire or activity:huh:


Senior Member
No we are not born asexual in the scientific definition of the term. We are born sexually immature. That is a very different concept from asexual.

But sexual feelings and arousal to slight degrees occur in us (humans) from a very young age long before we understand what sex is. We all know that you have to teach young boys and girls that it is not appropriate to touch yourself there, that way all the time. (well except jocks athletes never seemed to learn not to do it) Just as you have to teach most of them to keep their clothes on.

So no neither you nor I were born actually asexual.

Now answer the question tell us about the day you sat down and debated in your head the pros and cons of you being gay vs straight.

Tell us all about the day you looked with equal desire upon Steve ad Jill and had to decide which gender you would find sexually attractive.

The fact is you can't because that day never happened, you grew up and without much thought you started to react to girls differently than you did to boys.

Oddly enough gay boys and lesbian women experienced that exact same change in their life. One day they started to see men and women differently when it came to attraction.


Senior Member
First of all, a woman is not supposed to be a pastor.

1Ti 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
1Ti 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
1Ti 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
1Ti 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

1Ti 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.

Second of all a pastor is not to be homosexual.

1Ti 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
1Ti 3:3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
1Ti 3:4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;

And third; noone is "born gay". God said it is an abomination and that he created man in his own image. He would not create an abomination to himself.

Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Rom 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Rom 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Rom 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Rom 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


Senior Member
Oh and yes, my brother is a confessed atheist. I pray continually for him. I do not argue with him because I have yet to meet an atheist who can prove the Bible wrong but know a few former atheists who now know that it is truth. People take bits and pieces and twist it to mean what the want but refuse to read the entire context of a book and dont know when or who the person that wrote which book is preaching, singing or talking to.


Senior Member
Deny the science all you want, but the science proves you wrong.
homosexuality is proving to have at the very least a genetic component.

But lets not let facts of science get in the way of the bible.

Remember how wrong Galileo was about the Earth not being the center of the universe. How the Church and all the religious establishment said the earth was flat and immobile and never moved. and used various books of the bible to firmly prove that it was so. And how they jailed the scientist who dared speak out that earth revolved around the sun not the other way around.


Senior Member
Deny the science all you want, but the science proves you wrong.
homosexuality is proving to have at the very least a genetic component.

All compulsive traits have an aspect of genetics. Alcoholism runs in my family. But [by the grace of God] I have been able to control my compulsion for excessive alcohol.

What's your point?

PS - although some people on this forum are quick to criticize grammatical errors, but we will extend you a measure of grace. :rofl:


Senior Member
God gave man a free will and an exceptional capacity for knowledge and to adapt.

Deny Him if you will. In the end you will be given one reprieve from he11. All those in he11 will meet Jesus at the great white throne of judgement. To me it is possibly the cruelest thing that can happen. all the unsaved will meet Jesus and He WILL cast them into the lake of fire. The final death.

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