Questions on lube

trad bow

wooden stick slinging driveler
I’m more of a traditionalist in the way I choose to live my life. I’m moving backwards instead of forwards. I’m using oils rendered from animals or my own spit. I have no problem with what someone else chooses to use or do.


Senior Member
A little easier to obtain in rendered venison tallow. I just boil deer fat and let it cool and skim off the good stuff

The Original Rooster

Mayor of Spring Hill
Those that like ballistol do you go 100 percent or 7 to 1 with water
When I use Ballistol for cleaning, I mix it it about 2/3rds or more water to 1/3 Ballistol. I also like to leave a thin coating of just pure Ballistol in the barrel after cleaning because it prevents rust and then I run a few clean patches before shooting next time.


Senior Member
Those that like ballistol do you go 100 percent or 7 to 1 with water

It depends on if I'm using it as a cleaning solution or as a preservative lube. Mixed with water (called moose milk), it is a superb fouling remover. I use it to swab my barrel after every other shot when competing in club matches, which can consist of up to 50 shots.

When I get home, I'll use soapy water to clean the barrel and moose milk to clean the lock, followed by a light coat of pure Ballistol as a rust preventative on all metal parts.


Senior Member
Spit patches when shooting within a couple of hours.
Crisco for loading blocks or hunting loads that might stay in the gun for a couple of days.
These blocks were loaded with pillow ticking and Crisco over 20 years ago.
They would load and shoot like they were loaded yesterday.

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