Rebekah as the type of Jesus' bride.....


Senior Member
As many of you know, Abraham and Isaac are a shadow picture of God the father and his son, Jesus. The scene where Abraham was going to offer Isaac on the mountain paints a great picture of the prophesied substitute that would come. "God will provide HIMSELF a lamb" Then, low an behold, there was a ram caught in the thicket, assumably with THORNS AROUND HIS HEAD. :)

Anyway, we get some clues as to the characteristics of the bride of Christ from Rebekah. Abraham (the Father) sends a helper (Holy Spirit) to HIS OWN FAMILY (Christians) to get a bride for Isaac. Isaac stayed with the Father while the helper went to Abraham's kinsmen to look for a bride. What set Rebekah (the Bride) apart from the rest of Abraham's family? It was her willingness to go BEYOND WHAT WAS ASKED OF HER (Faith in Jesus)! Are you satisfied with grace and salvation? Or are you so appreciative that you'll also show God you love Him by obeying Him? (I John 5:3) Revelation says that the bride of Christ is the New Jerusalem. Only one class of people can enter that city....the bride....and it says who they are... those that DO HIS COMMANDMENTS. Outside that city are dogs....not dead people....but people who only accepted grace and continued to live in sin.

Anyway..... thoughts? ;)


Senior Member
something else I wanted to don't see Isaac (Jesus) mentioned again in Genesis after he's offered on the mountain UNTIL he gets His bride. :) Coincidence?


Senior Member
I find these historical shadows from the Old Testament interesting. It makes me see how God predestined these stories for us to use as shadows. Then that makes me wonder what else was predestined to make the Cross event come about as the shadows and prophecy foretold.

Many of the shadows are easy to see, some are not. They are easier to see now than for those living back then.


Senior Member
It also reminds me of God's family, Father and Son, mothers, children, and marriage. Realizing the Son was with the Father before time lets me see that things past are also future as when the Son came to the Earth. Coming to the earth to find a bride.
Marriage given in man as this example. God's plan for His son, born of a woman. Marriage between man & woman, an image of Christ and his bride. An image of the Divine Plan.

Part of a great mystery. The unity of it all.


Senior Member
Isaish 46:10 says that God "declares the END, from the Beginning, and FROM ANCIENT TIMES, things that are still to come! Lots of gold in the OT.... For example, I knew growing up that there were a few similarites between the life of Joseph and the life of Jesus. That list has grown to almost 100 now!!!! Joseph's life is awesome, and it shows, too, what we can expect in the end. I believe, like Joseph, the Jesus will reveal his identity to Judah (Jews) when they defend the younger brother and/or apologize for their treatment of the house of Isreal! God is awesome! and what a Saviour we have!


Senior Member
It also reminds me of God's family, Father and Son, mothers, children, and marriage. Realizing the Son was with the Father before time lets me see that things past are also future as when the Son came to the Earth. Coming to the earth to find a bride.
Marriage given in man as this example. God's plan for His son, born of a woman. Marriage between man & woman, an image of Christ and his bride. An image of the Divine Plan.

Part of a great mystery. The unity of it all.

absolutely! Just like Adam was complete in the beginning, with Eve coming from him, Jesus is one with the Father, and came from him. All other animals were made male and female, but not humans. God made Adam, then took Eve from inside him. What a picture of the relationship of the Father and Son :)


Senior Member
Isaish 46:10 says that God "declares the END, from the Beginning, and FROM ANCIENT TIMES, things that are still to come! Lots of gold in the OT.... For example, I knew growing up that there were a few similarites between the life of Joseph and the life of Jesus. That list has grown to almost 100 now!!!! Joseph's life is awesome, and it shows, too, what we can expect in the end. I believe, like Joseph, the Jesus will reveal his identity to Judah (Jews) when they defend the younger brother and/or apologize for their treatment of the house of Isreal! God is awesome! and what a Saviour we have!

Do you see this in Romans 11?


Senior Member
I'm assuming you're referring to the grafting in of the wild branches? If so, then, yes, that was prophesied in Ezekiel 36 Ezekiel prophesied that the stick of Ephraim (the northern kingdom) would be brought together with the stick of Judah (the southern kingdom) Romans 11 also talks about Judah being provoked to jealousy by the return of the northern kingdom. (BTW, i see this as what Jesus was referring to in the parable of the prodigal son. The older brother - Jews - never left the Father's house and were jealous and upset when the younger brother returned from the world)
Jer 31:31-33 talks about the new covenant (which, btw, was with Israel, not Gentiles) The first half of the prophecy deals with the House of Judah AND the house of Israel. "After those days" (2 prophetic 1000 year days?) God would make make a covenant with only the house of Israel, as there will only be one combined house then :)


Senior Member
another awesome "shadow picture" that was fulfilled in Jesus was the way He fulfilled 3 Old Testament sacrifices: Passover, Red Heifer and Yom Kippur 'Day of Atonement" sacrifices. These things should have been taught to us from day one....but what we've been handed has been wiped of most all of it's Jewishness. Let's look at how Jesus fulfilled the Day of Atonement sacrifice, which was for the NATIONAL sins of Israel.

For 1500 years before the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ, God had the hebrews, on the Day of Atonement, offering two identical goats. They would bring out these two goats, and one of them would be sacrificed to God, and the other, the priest would put his hands on it and confess all of Israel's sins on it and then a man would walk him out of the city, and let him go.

As many of you know, when Jesus was standing with Pilate during His trial, Pilate had another prisoner brought out. ONE WOULD BE KILLED, ONE LET GO! Coincidence? It gets better. I'm going to show you how this other prisoner - Barabbas - was an "identical goat" when compared to Jesus!

Barabbas was a murderer, but not just a plain ole says he was a "zealot". Barabbas LOVED ISRAEL and was using a sword to save Israel! He, too, was a saviour of Isreal, but he used a sword, not love. Being a killer of Romans, and being in a Roman prison, i'm sure he was bloody, too, and probably looked much like Jesus from a distance! Coincidence? I'm not done.

Barabbas is a Hebrew last name. What does it mean? Bar Abba - Son of the Father!!!!! OMG!!! Amazing, right??? lol I'm still not done! The translators of the NT left out Barabbas' first name as they didn't like it. If you google "Barabbas" you'll see what the early church fathers said his first name was. You guessed it. YESHUA!!!! SAME AS OUR LORD!!!!

After the crowd picks Barabbas to be freed, guess what they then did? They killed the goat without sin. Only God could have had a prisoner in prison during Passover week that matched Jesus so well! God is so awesome! King of the universe and Father of our soon coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ!


Senior Member
I'm assuming you're referring to the grafting in of the wild branches? If so, then, yes, that was prophesied in Ezekiel 36 Ezekiel prophesied that the stick of Ephraim (the northern kingdom) would be brought together with the stick of Judah (the southern kingdom) Romans 11 also talks about Judah being provoked to jealousy by the return of the northern kingdom. (BTW, i see this as what Jesus was referring to in the parable of the prodigal son. The older brother - Jews - never left the Father's house and were jealous and upset when the younger brother returned from the world)
Jer 31:31-33 talks about the new covenant (which, btw, was with Israel, not Gentiles) The first half of the prophecy deals with the House of Judah AND the house of Israel. "After those days" (2 prophetic 1000 year days?) God would make make a covenant with only the house of Israel, as there will only be one combined house then :)

Mostly concerning "and all Israel will be saved." God choosing a remnant and hardening the rest. God turning them all over to disobedience so that He can have mercy on all of them.

I'm still having trouble grasping this concept you have that the Gentiles in Paul's epistles are dispersed Jews or the Northern Kingdom, etc.

In relation to this concept, when Paul says his revelation is that salvation is going to the Gentiles that were strangers to the covenants of promise, without God and hope.
If this is the dispersed or the other tribes, what does that say about the rest of the world?

If the grafting in is not the world, if Paul didn't go to the world, but only to the dispersed or other tribes, what about us?

What is our(the worlds) tie-in to receiving the gospel or being grafted in? Bring together Paul talking about the worlds inclusion in quoting Hosea in Romans 9 with Romans 11. If in fact Jeremiah was a prophesy of or the same as the Genitles in Romans 11.
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Senior Member
another awesome "shadow picture" that was fulfilled in Jesus was the way He fulfilled 3 Old Testament sacrifices: Passover, Red Heifer and Yom Kippur 'Day of Atonement" sacrifices. These things should have been taught to us from day one....but what we've been handed has been wiped of most all of it's Jewishness. Let's look at how Jesus fulfilled the Day of Atonement sacrifice, which was for the NATIONAL sins of Israel.

For 1500 years before the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ, God had the hebrews, on the Day of Atonement, offering two identical goats. They would bring out these two goats, and one of them would be sacrificed to God, and the other, the priest would put his hands on it and confess all of Israel's sins on it and then a man would walk him out of the city, and let him go.

As many of you know, when Jesus was standing with Pilate during His trial, Pilate had another prisoner brought out. ONE WOULD BE KILLED, ONE LET GO! Coincidence? It gets better. I'm going to show you how this other prisoner - Barabbas - was an "identical goat" when compared to Jesus!

Barabbas was a murderer, but not just a plain ole says he was a "zealot". Barabbas LOVED ISRAEL and was using a sword to save Israel! He, too, was a saviour of Isreal, but he used a sword, not love. Being a killer of Romans, and being in a Roman prison, i'm sure he was bloody, too, and probably looked much like Jesus from a distance! Coincidence? I'm not done.

Barabbas is a Hebrew last name. What does it mean? Bar Abba - Son of the Father!!!!! OMG!!! Amazing, right??? lol I'm still not done! The translators of the NT left out Barabbas' first name as they didn't like it. If you google "Barabbas" you'll see what the early church fathers said his first name was. You guessed it. YESHUA!!!! SAME AS OUR LORD!!!!

After the crowd picks Barabbas to be freed, guess what they then did? They killed the goat without sin. Only God could have had a prisoner in prison during Passover week that matched Jesus so well! God is so awesome! King of the universe and Father of our soon coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ!

But when I quoted Ephesians 2 you said it was only the dogma that Jesus fulfilled;

Ephesians 2:15
by abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and decrees. He did this to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace


I guess what I'm asking is did Jesus fulfill or do away with any sacraments, sacrifices, ceremonies, laws, or was it just the dogma?

So that the two Houses could become one. So that the Gentile(Jewish) House could now be grafted to the other(Jewish) House.
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Senior Member
But when I quoted Ephesians 2 you said it was only the dogma that Jesus fulfilled;

Ephesians 2:15
by abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and decrees. He did this to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace


I guess what I'm asking is did Jesus fulfill or do away with any sacraments, sacrifices, ceremonies, laws, or was it just the dogma?

So that the two Houses could become one. So that the Gentile(Jewish) House could now be grafted to the other(Jewish) House.

Lol Jesus fulfilled A LOT more than ONLY doing away with the dogma of the Pharisees. He, as you know, fulfilled all the spring feasts (the fall feasts will be fulfilled when He returns) also numerous messianic prophecies about Who the Messiah would be, several OT sacrifices that I mentioned earlier....etc. Is Ephesians, Paul is referencing the fact that Jesus did away with the dogma of the Pharisees...their teachings that had Jews HATING the northern kingdom. If you are still not sure about the division of Isreal, watch the video. Jews in the 1st century could not hang around Gentiles (Gentiles being anyone that was not a Jew) even though God NEVER made an unclean man; all men are clean in God's eyes (per Peter's Vision) All men have ALWAYS had the option to be part of Israel. We see this in Ruth....and the "mixed multitude" that left Israel. When someone, like today, claims the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as their own, then they become Israel.

Jesus preached THE GOSPEL Himself, which was that, through Him, all men could be part of this kingdom. Also, the Jews were not 'the Dispersion', the Northern Kingdom was scattered and, according to Hosea, were so scattered that they would not be a people anymore. Only God would know who/where they were and promised to regather them. The dispersion is throughout the world, scattered just as God warned them He'd do in Deut 30.

More later....let me get some coffee and some work started.

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