I’m sure glad it’s kept going , I just happen to be in the market for a new pair and got plenty of ideas. I’ve worn a pair of Irish setters for about 5 years .I would hope he got a pair by now, this thread is from 2022.
I’m sure glad it’s kept going , I just happen to be in the market for a new pair and got plenty of ideas. I’ve worn a pair of Irish setters for about 5 years .I would hope he got a pair by now, this thread is from 2022.
good luck getting more than 2 years out of them before the soles start falling off. it's a known problem with the new Rockys. I threw 2 pair in the dumpster this year and bought Lacrosse .
The oil can stand a good 10-15 minute soak walking across flood plains?
A little late to the party, but a decade or so ago there was a fellow laid up in a hospital bed with leg swollen and IV's hooked up to him as he had been bitten by an EDB which penetrated muck boots. He couldn't find his snake boots that morning and wore his mucks instead. His video on FB was a public service announcement to wear snake boots and not depend on rubber boots for snake proofing. GilI don't agree 100% with the video and wouldn't advise using cheapo 13 dollar rubber boots. The gaiters though, Turtleskins, I definately trust and those have been tested with EDB's.