Telecheck Results 2024 **5/16 Update. Final Numbers**


Senior Member
Year 9 of this thread. Here are the links to previous years









So far in 2024 we are 11 days into a 49 day season (youth weekend included). As of 04/8/24 at 3:20 PM there have been 5,825 turkeys killed. This is an average of 530 per day and puts us on pace for 25,947 turkeys killed in 2024.

So far we are off to a fast start with the best opening day results in Telecheck history. This time last year there had been 5,945 turkeys killed so the pace has fallen off some overall.

We will see how everything plays out the remainder of the year.

Opening day results from 16-24:

2016: 1,535
2017: 1,725
2018: 1,748
2019: 1,477
2020: 1,777
2021: 1,410
2022: 1,548
2023: 1,763
2024: 1,816

You can find telecheck results here


Senior Member
Obviously, the pace won't maintain over the course of the season. But, it's encouraging. Hopefully the changes they've made are going to pay off over time.

I'm ready to get back to the early 2000's when I heard birds gobbling in every direction every single day!


Senior Member
Appreciate you doing this... It is dismal where I hunt now. Used to be lots of birds, now you can't even hear a gobble or find a track anywhere. Sad... At least there are birds being taken in other parts of the state which is good to see.


Thanks for the updates.


Senior Member
Surprised that many but which opening day is that? We have two now, if that includes the opening for private land the week before then your numbers are skewed and not accurate


Senior Member
Surprised that many but which opening day is that? We have two now, if that includes the opening for private land the week before then your numbers are skewed and not accurate

This year the opening day numbers are from March 30th. I know public now opens later, but going back to 2016 the first day of the season (private or public) has the highest # of kills.

If anything, it shows how bad the turkey numbers were a few years ago since just private is producing higher numbers than when private and public opened on the same day.


Senior Member
This year the opening day numbers are from March 30th. I know public now opens later, but going back to 2016 the first day of the season (private or public) has the highest # of kills.

If anything, it shows how bad the turkey numbers were a few years ago since just private is producing higher numbers than when private and public opened on the same day.

Ah so this number is from the private land opening only, yes that is very surprising.
In Crawford County where I hunt, a property that was once so over populated with turkey that twice the state came in and trapped over 100 turkey to relocate to other parts of the state, is now down 90%. We have the least sign, pictures ever this year, it just keeps getting worse for us. We’ve had a one bird limit for 6yrs now, made no difference.
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Senior Member
This year the opening day numbers are from March 30th. I know public now opens later, but going back to 2016 the first day of the season (private or public) has the highest # of kills.

If anything, it shows how bad the turkey numbers were a few years ago since just private is producing higher numbers than when private and public opened on the same day.

The turkey numbers are lower than I've seen them in eons. Harvest data is up because more people are turkey hunting now.


Senior Member
I do agree that these number are probably very muddy. Higher numbers of kills does not, necessarily, equal higher numbers of turkeys. It could very well be a result of larger numbers of hunters and much easier reporting than in the past. But, it could also be an indicator that things are improving.

It seems like the consensus so far in this thread (including the property I hunt) is that good turkey hunters, in general, seem to indicate that they are seeing and experiencing lower numbers still.

We are just a few years into the changes. I wouldn't expect to see significant changes yet. But it will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next 2-3 years.

20 years ago, the property I hunt was loaded with turkeys. Was not uncommon for me to hear 6-8 birds gobbling within earshot on any given day. Now, I'm lucky if I hear 1-2 and those are typically so far off my property that they aren't worth trying to hunt.

I still love every second of it. But it's definitely harder year after year.


Senior Member
I thought I was an expert turkey hunter 15 years ago but these days I stink at it. It’s extremely hard to get on a turkey now. It has been for some time. I know people that have an abundance of turkeys in isolated areas but we don’t have many on my tracts.