The Bible


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I see the Didache it claimed inspired by some of the readers?

It’s included in the New Testament of some faiths but not mine.

Another name for it is The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations.


Staff member

The reformation is modern history on the scale of historical things. What went on is well documented and the outcome profound. Bibles were previously hand written, copying from ancient scrolls, the books. These Bibles were a combination of Greek and Hebrew.

Luther translated these into German, specifically casual German, to be understood by a wider audience. What gets posted here is an English translation of a German translation of Greek and Hebrew source documents.

Was Luther inspired?


Daily Bible Verse Organizer
The Bible I generally quote from is the English Standard version (ESV). It in fact was translated from recently published editions of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. I personally think it is one of the best but that just an opinion. It was not translated from other translations.


Senior Member
The New American Standard ("NAS"), the New International Version ("NIV"), The English Standard Version ("ESV"), etc., etc., etc., have not been derived thru Martin Luther.


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What we know of God through nature gives us grounds to know that this lack in human life has been met by a supernatural revelation to supply this need. It is only right to believe that since God made man a moral and spiritual being, for spiritual ends, He also supplied the means to attain these ends. It is not natural or reasonable from any standpoint to believe that the Creator would leave His creation in such an imperfect state by creating within man this longing for the unknow, without meeting his needs with divine supply. At the same time, both conscience and reason affirm that man is a sinner and merits condemnation. But He cannot from reason alone know that God will be merciful and save him. His doubts can be removed only by God's own to him. This requires a divine revelation.


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Not only should man expect a revelation, but he may expect that a divine revelation would be in prefect harmony with and supplementary to nature. Those who are in any sense honest and rational concerning such proof my expect a revelation that is beyond all doubt from a supernatural source. They may expect this revelation to come through chosen vessels and preserved by divine power through the ages. They may further except it to be attested by miraculous works, and prophetical utterances that have been fulfilled to the letter. All this is true of the Bible.


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Solomon’s wisdom was god given due to his humility. U can read the account and see why he was given wisdom because of what he asked god for .. instead of riches.

But Jesus was using a similar example.. the educated and so called “biblically” informed can be very haughty, and lack humility to learn new things or.. the actual truths of the Bible… where by “babes” or children are humble.. and are eager to learn and have the right attitude…


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The word revelation is from the Greek apokalupsis, meaning to UNVEIL, REVEAL, and UNCOVER, or the LIFING UP A CURTAIN so that all may see alike what was previously veiled. There can be no excuse for different interpretations of the revelation of God of things that can be seen alike all, if all will look at the same thing in the same way.

The revelation of God is simply the UNVEILING OF FACTS AND TRUTHS which man could not know of himself, but which are divinely revealed by the Spirit of God. About the fifth of the Bible is prophecy which requires a revelation. Then there are many other parts of the Bible as creation, Lucifer's reign, God's plan and many things that had to be revealed before man could possibly know the facts about them. The history of the Bible did not have to be revealed, but it is as much inspired as the revealed part. Inspiration simply guarantees the true recording of facts as they happened or as they are going to happen. The method of disclosure and the truth disclosed are alike called revelation (Eph. 3:3; Col. 1:26; Rev. 1:1; Rom. 16:25).


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The Greek theopneustos literally means God-breathed. It is that special influence or power of the Holy Spirit upon the minds and in the lives of holy men, which qualified and enabled them to make an infallible record of divine truth concerning the will of God to man. Paul said, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God [is God-breathed] and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction, in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim. 3:15-17). Peter said, "God hath spoken by the mouths of all his holy prophets since the world began" and that, "holy men of God spake as they were moved [borne along] by the Holy Ghost" (Acts 3:21; 2 Pet. 1:21).


Is to secure truth and unity in record and not conformity or sameness of statement. Inspiration has accomplished this beyond human comprehension.


Senior Member

Revelation discovers new truth while inspiration superintends the communicating and recording of that truth. We have examples of inspiration without revelation (Lk. 1:1-4), of inspiration including revelation (Rev. 1:1, 11), of inspiration without illumination (1 Pet. 1:11; 1 Cor. 2:12-16; 14:30).

We find lies of Satan and men, we find false statements, and we find murders, adulteries and many sins recorded in Scripture. Inspiration simply records the truth of what was said or done, and guarantees to us that Satan did lie, that what is written is actually what he said, but it does not change the lie to truth. Inspiration records sins of men, but it does not sanction those sins as the will of God. The learner of Scripture must keep in mind the difference between what Satan and men say, and what God actually says. God is responsible only for what He says, and what He inspires men to say. He is not responsible for what others say. All He is responsible for is the true record of what men and demons have said and done.


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Some words were the exact words of God (Ex. 32:16; Duet. 5:4, 24; Matt. 3:17; 17:5; Jn. 12:28), some words were put into the mouths of the speakers who spoke as the Spirit inspired them (Ex. 23:5; Num. 23:5; Ezek. 2:7; 3:10, 11; Acts 3:21), and some words were written as the writers were moved by the Spirit (Ex. 34:17; 2 Pet. 1:21; Rev. 1:11). In other parts of Scripture, the speakers and writers were inspired to choose their own words in revealing divine truth, saying things that were later recorded by the Spirit through men (Dan. 12:8, 9; Jn. 20:30, 31; Lk. 1:1-4; Acts 1:1, 2). Regardless of the way the various passages were recorded it was by a full and plenary inspiration, that is all of the Bible was inspired of God.

The Spirit used attention, reason, investigation, memory, logic, and all faculties of the writers and speakers, in speaking and writing the divine record of things past, present, and future. He guided them to choose the material of others, spoken and written, such as imperial decrees, genealogies, letters, historical records, and whatever was necessary for the recording of truth. The Spirit worked in and through their own spirits and preserved their individualities in their writings. The Bible is in truth the very Word of God in human language, and it should be understood on the same basis that we do other books in human language.


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Proof of Revelation and Inspiration

ITS WONDERFUL UNITY. Over forty different authors wrote the sixty-six books of the Bible during a period of over 1,800 years, and they all had one theme the creation and redemption of the human race by God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

The books of the Bible were written by men from all walks of life such as kings, priests, judges, lawyers, princes, shepherds, soldiers, courtiers, statesmen, musicians, inventors, singers, poets, preachers, prophets, fishermen, farmers, tentmakers, publicans, physicians, rich men and poor men. They were written in various lands of three continents-Europe, Asia, and Africa. They were written in different ages and by many men, some who never saw each other or knew what the others wrote on the same subjects, yet when their writings became one book, there is not one contradiction among them.


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Its superiority to other books. There is an abundance of evidence that the Bible is superior to all other books. It is not like any other book in its claims, in its message, in its moral tone, in its insight into the future, and in its words of peace and comfort and hope to all men. It is different because of its insight into human nature and into all things of life here and hereafter.
It is the outstanding book among millions of books. It in a class by itself. Other books can be classified as to their subject matter, message, and style. But this is not so with the Bible. It does not fit into human classification of books. Its unique origin, its message, and its wonderful structure all prove its superiority.


Senior Member
When the book of a modern writer is translated into a few languages, the author is as proud as a peacock. The Bible has been translated into 1,086 languages and dialects and new translations are being made every year. There are twelve editions of it alone for the blind. It is the most modern book of all ages, and all other books are hopelessly outclassed when compared with the Bible.


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From the standpoint of literature and truth the Bible is a recognized authority on the affairs of daily life as well as of things in the next life. It has no equal. Millions of men of all ages have lived and died by its teachings. No such trust can be placed in any other book. Religions, secret orders, and practically every kind of human doctrine claim to be based upon the Bible. It is the simplest book to understand and yet it needs constant study. Even the no-believer feels he is uneducated without a knowledge of its teachings. The more one reads, the more he realizes he is far short of mastering its contents. There are always new discoveries of truth in the Bible. It is always new to those who read it most. This is not so with other books. When they are read a time or two, their contents are mastered, and the subject matter becomes old and uninteresting. All this proves the divine origin of the Bible.


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Its Influence in the world. No book has had an influence on the world like the Bible. It has been and still is as high as the heavens above the Earth in comparison with other books. Inlands where the Bible is unknown, this fact is plainly evident. While the Bible has made modern civilization man's present trend of rejecting the Bible, if it continues, will destroy such civilization. Without the Bible men would be in dense spiritual and moral darkness, and in mental ignorance believing pagan superstition, Millions of lives have been enlightened and changed in every generation by its teachings, thus proving that its superior influence must be of divine origin.


Senior Member
The character of those who accept it proves the Bible to be inspired of God. Those who grow in holiness and consecration to the highest good of others, accept it as from God and cherish it more and more. Only infidels, skeptics, moral and spiritual rebels, and human wrecks of all kinds are the ones who refuse to accept its inspiration. Naturally, they reject it because it condemns all their activities and promises punishment in the end.


Senior Member
The greatness of those who accept it as a revelation from God, proves that it is more than an ordinary human product. Some men argue that the Bible its religion is accepted only by the weak, the young, and the ignorant, and that its campions outside the pulpit are few and far between.
This is one of the greatest errors in the camp of infidels and shows wilful prejudice or superficial knowledge of the question. The greatest thinkers and representative men of all ages have openly confessed their faith in Christianity and the Bible. The wise men of the world, who have been best qualified to detect error and imposture, have laid at the feet of Christ their homage, and confessed that the Bible is the Word of God.

gordon 2

Senior Member
The greatness of those who accept it as a revelation from God, proves that it is more than an ordinary human product. Some men argue that the Bible its religion is accepted only by the weak, the young, and the ignorant, and that its campions outside the pulpit are few and far between.
This is one of the greatest errors in the camp of infidels and shows wilful prejudice or superficial knowledge of the question. The greatest thinkers and representative men of all ages have openly confessed their faith in Christianity and the Bible. The wise men of the world, who have been best qualified to detect error and imposture, have laid at the feet of Christ their homage, and confessed that the Bible is the Word of God.

The "greatness" of those who accept the bible as a revelation from God prove it is not an ordinary human product? The "greatness" of a some group of human beings proves that the bible is not an ordinary human product? Great people, their greatness, prove the bible is no ordinary human product? Really?

I'm sorry but some of the greatest thinkers and representative of men of all ages were not aware of the bible or disregarded it as fable.

The best qualified to detect error and imposture for having been Christians reduces the remainder of humanity as what exactly... Least qualified, less witted and...??? Your prejudice might not be willful, but by the bar you judge... you are judged. Using the bible in this way is always strange to me. I have the bible and you don't and so your not so great and can't be and you're less of a human being that I am.???
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