The idea of Zion in America has played in the first three centuries of American religion.


Senior Member
When the Puritan colonists came to the New World in the early seventeenth century, they sought not only a land of religious liberty, but also a land of ultimate religious achievement: the establishment of Zion and/or New Jerusalem.

They viewed America as the New Jerusalem.

During the eighteenth century, the dream for Zion faded due to the growing concern for individual salvation.


Senior Member
Antebellum America presented a completely new environment. As America forged westward, more and more settlers became dissatisfied with mainstream organized religions. Primitivism and restorationism made Zion and New Jerusalem an inevitable desire.

Also it's somewhat related to "Christian Identity" in that it somehow brings race into the picture. This being a part of "Serpent Seed" Theology.
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Senior Member
I remember a discussion on this forum years ago related to how the Church became Israel. There was a book mentioned but I forgot the name. Somehow the book explained how America became chosen as the New Zion/Israel/Jews.
Not that Replacement Theology is all that unheard of but this book made it all about America more than the Church.
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