What do you think happens...


Senior Member
I didn't address about the other points, but I'd safely assume we will engage in commerce, eat & drink, etc., and enjoy the physical earth w/o being hurt by our enemy Satan and his demons, who, "will be bound for 1000 years" while we have true fellowship with Christ and one another.


Senior Member
Woodswalker said:
It helps tremendously. to say it ain't mystical must mean that it is organic??

that is, the Land of Milk and Honey will be manifested for what, 40 generations?? :D

Thank you my Jankee friend. :D

hmmm, your posts can take on a mystical flare at times :bounce: ! But, yes, it will be a material world, both the 1000 yr reign, and, if you can handle it, the one described in Rev ch 21!

** I'm gonna git it now... :smash:


Senior Member
Woodswalker said:
Yeah, i'm gonna contemplate turning on the Question machine, and if'n i do, then you will be working overtime just to make ends meet. :D

So, given various interpretations, at the end of the glory time of 1000 years wherein, no matter where our birth occurs, we're in "Milk & Honey" conditions as organic beings, then after that, the heavenly will pack it in, and move to another location, and the residual will be burnt to a crisp as mere residual?

i'd like to think, in my mortal mind, that those "left behind" will do quite well after the "Others" leave the Earth and move to other domains? -Given that some follow the scorched earth policy.

Again, if'n this post don't work, let me know, we'll delete it in a heartbeat. :flag:

I don't mind the Q, as long as Renee doesn't give me (or us) the boot for being :offtopic: !!

I don't know if this will answer your post, but I think the present earth isn't a God project that has to be 'destroyed' per se, but one which He Himself will REDEEM and RESTORE, and obviously be much better still, since sin and the curse will be far gone, esp. in the New Heaven & New Earth. Redeemed folks will enjoy all the blessings of beauty thier eyes beheld here, but to the "N"th degree, or so much more that it will literally take us all of eternity to take in and appreciate it, as we walk, touch, behold and worship our Lord Jesus.


Senior Member
Whiteboy said:
In Luke 23 one of the criminals on the cross was talking to Jesus

42Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.[f]"

43Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."

I always took the paradise part to mean heaven, and it sounds immediate.

Yep, no problem there



Resident Homesteader
Woodswalker said:
Chris, not to pin you down for a specific answer at all, and no intent to single you out, but you do offer a convenient target. :D :D

what will it be like, will folks not exploit the earth for food, shelter, or clothing?? will we not need such?

we'll reign, but how, pray tell?? we'll just hover over the earth and regale each other in its pristine beauty??:D

Just trying to understand, if'n i'm off-track, say so, and i'll delete the thread. Sometimes things can get pretty esoteric and exceed the existing :D bandwidth.

Oh no, your Ok. Dont ever worry about that kind of stuff with me. Im just saying with Christ for whatever season, we have no need for technology, he will supply all our needs. I dont mind being a target at all. :banginghe


Senior Member
when i die ill rest in the bossom of abraham. at the time when jesus comes back we will all arise and go to the judgement. the last shall be first and the first shall be last.