What's next for Stetson?


Senior Member
So tell me how much money you’ve contributed to Stetsons NIL deal or any UGA player?

On the topic, I got an idea! Maybe the University could charge the other students even more for degrees like those for Teachers and other every day jobs! Then they could use those percentage increases to help! Why not (?), they already charge so much for those that the average 3rd grade and special ed teacher, and even the business or law students have to work for 20-30 years to pay them off! What’s another 10%! Call it The NIL inflation tax.

These State entities are just as out of control and greedy as anyone else.


Senior Member
On the Stetson front, hope he keeps trending towards success on past football - dude has character and charisma. Watching that celebratory speech and ride though was a wee bit uncomfortable at times, the Georgia fans were there for him and have been.


On the Stetson front, hope he keeps trending towards success on past football - dude has character and charisma. Watching that celebratory speech and ride though was a wee bit uncomfortable at times, the Georgia fans were there for him and have been.
RONG. The dude has been crapped on more than any star player in recent memory. Then the moment the confetti dropped Monday night people act like there was a record scratch and they were behind him all along. I don’t blame him for saying what he said. He doesn’t owe any of those people a dang thing.


Senior Member
RONG. The dude has been crapped on more than any star player in recent memory. Then the moment the confetti dropped Monday night people act like there was a record scratch and they were behind him all along. I don’t blame him for saying what he said. He doesn’t owe any of those people a dang thing.

Not surprised at your response. But he earned what he got as far as success and everything coming his way, but many (even on this forum) were over doubting the guy after last year. Your response and his yesterday is a year late. He’s been all but idolized since then, this Natty or not. Many of those fans have arguably supported him and the G (travel, tickets, concessions, cold weather, etc…) like no other fan base in America. I personally think he came across like a punk in ways. To each his own…


Not surprised at your response. But he earned what he got as far as success and everything coming his way, but many (even on this forum) were over doubting the guy after last year. Your response and his yesterday is a year late. He’s been all but idolized since then, this Natty or not. Many of those fans have arguably supported him and the G (travel, tickets, concessions, cold weather, etc…) like no other fan base in America. I personally think he came across like a punk in ways. To each his own…
Aren’t you a Florida State fan? Odd that you think you know so much about this. As for you thinking I’m a punk and him too, I care about as much as he would if he only knew who you were.

Beyond that, these guys aren’t playing for the fans. They’re playing for each other.


Senior Member
Aren’t you a Florida State fan? Odd that you think you know so much about this. As for you thinking I’m a punk and him too, I care about as much as he would if he only knew who you were.

Beyond that, these guys aren’t playing for the fans. They’re playing for each other.

You may want to slow down … and reread that.

Yes, Nole for Life. However, many of these funds go towards the Bride’s schooling and my family’s unwavering support for the G. Many funds.


You may want to slow down … and reread that.

Yes, Nole for Life. However, many of these funds go towards the Bride’s schooling and their unwavering support for the G. Many funds.
That doesn’t make you right. Nothing but carping, complaining, and criticism from a bunch of the folks who now act like they were behind him all along and have hurt feelings because he did t make them feel special. Once the game was over Monday he said, “My media obligations are done.” Don’t blame him one bit.


Senior Member
That doesn’t make you right. Nothing but carping, complaining, and criticism from a bunch of the folks who now act like they were behind him all along and have hurt feelings because he did t make them feel special. Once the game was over Monday he said, “My media obligations are done.” Don’t blame him one bit.

And with that, I think your Bennett obligations should be done. Beck is your guy now.


Senior Member
What did he say?


And with that, I think your Bennett obligations should be done. Beck is your guy now.
Maybe. Maybe not. He’s not GON be handed the job. This ain’t Florida State. Lotta options.


What did he say?
Not much. But what he did say was true. And most people do t want to hear the truth. They want to hear what they want to hear. He didn’t act gracious enough at the parade and what not for some people. He ignored some idiot that shaved a mic in his face and wouldn’t stop the conversation he was having just to accommodate her. Then when it was his turn to talk at the stadium he said, “The media burnt us up. Every chance they got. We couldn’t do it and this and that. They kept doubting us. Screw it. We’ve got two rings.” :rofl: :rofl:


Staff member
Stetson met with fans before and after the parade. He told the media guys he didn't want to be interviewed, instead, he wanted to enjoy this is his last parade with his team mates. Stetson gave us everything he was supposed to give us and I'm thankful for that. He will always be a DGD to me!

across the river

Senior Member
On the topic, I got an idea! Maybe the University could charge the other students even more for degrees like those for Teachers and other every day jobs! Then they could use those percentage increases to help! Why not (?), they already charge so much for those that the average 3rd grade and special ed teacher, and even the business or law students have to work for 20-30 years to pay them off! What’s another 10%! Call it The NIL inflation tax.

These State entities are just as out of control and greedy as anyone else.
NIL money does not come from the school, so it has nothing to do with tuition, state funding, or the money that you apparently paid for you, your wife, daughter, or whoever it was to be a special ed teacher. No different than the fact that the money Gronk gets to do those stupid USAA commercial doesn’t come from the Pats or Bucs. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad that the government and “guaranteed“ government backed students loans, which created a system where a person could take out tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a degree that had little to no chance of producing an income that could realistically pay it back. Two minutes and a few clicks on the internet will show what a graduate with a certain degree can expect to make. If you are going to be a teacher, that is great. I think it is a calling for a lot of people and should be admired, but you are going to make the same amount whether you went to Vanderbilt or the local community college. An “ expensive”degree is no better than a “cheap” one you didn’t need to go into debt to get. If you go into tons of debt to get a education degree from a private school, that is your fault and has nothing to do with Stetsons Bennet getting NIL money from the local Raisin Canes.


Staff member
RONG. The dude has been crapped on more than any star player in recent memory. Then the moment the confetti dropped Monday night people act like there was a record scratch and they were behind him all along. I don’t blame him for saying what he said. He doesn’t owe any of those people a dang thing.

OK, what did he say?


Staff member
He said, “The media burned us up. They said we couldn’t do it. I mean they burned us up. On and on doubting us. Screw it, we’ve got two rings.”

And people are all hurtfulled up because he told the truth?:rolleyes:facepalm:


Staff member
Exactly. People don’t want to hear what’s true. They want to hear what they want to hear.

And they insist you say it and that you say it the way they want you to say it.