Why Christians should not celebrate Easter...

Double Barrel BB

Senior Member
My pastor taught a very good lesson on this subject this past sunday. Here are a few of the points.....

Easter - Ancient festival to pagan goddess female deity - Istar. Always celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring equinox (March 22-Apr 25). Celebration of the earth regenerating itself - celebration of reproduction (thus rabbits and eggs)

Istar - Center of attention during this festival
*Jer. 7:18; 44:17-25 = Abomination to God - is the "queen of heaven"
*Ezek. 8:14,15 = Tammuz was her son and then her husband. There were sexual rituals at dawn on Easter. (Kinda takes away the meaning of the old sunrise service....)
*She had nothing to do with Jesus.

Just something to think about....



Roosevelt Ranger

We do not celbrate a festival of Istar or Ester or any other false god.

However, I have always wondered why we do continue to call it "Easter".

I understand the history of Constantine (I think) joining the pagan celebration with the Passover and Resurection so as to make it more palatable to the masses, but we do know better these days--Don't we?!?!

Double Barrel BB

Senior Member
Jeff Young said:

We do not celbrate a festival of Istar or Ester or any other false god.

However, I have always wondered why we do continue to call it "Easter".

I understand the history of Constantine (I think) joining the pagan celebration with the Passover and Resurection so as to make it more palatable to the masses, but we do know better these days--Don't we?!?!

Sometimes I wonder when I see churches having easter egg hunts.....



Senior Member
I wonder at the teaching about "good friday" through sunday as matching Jesus' own words concerning his time in the grave.
I wonder at the "shepards" of the flock leading them in these pagan "egg hunts".
I wonder at the scriptural truths being ignored in light of "traditions".

Double Barrel BB you have a rare teacher indeed. He must not be worried about keeping his "salary", but is concerned with pleasing God.

A little leaven leavens the whole...


Senior Member
We do not do the Easter thing or the Chirstmas thing as far as the Church goes. We as a family have always done Christmas and Easter but we leave Christ out of it. Besides that I see no where in the Bible about celebrating Easter or Christmas. We celebrate Christ daily and come together with Christians to worship every first day of the week.


Senior Member
This seem to be splitting hairs- Put your faith in Jesus Christ and let the Devil bring up the backside!


Senior Member
I have never thought seeking the truth in the scriptures to be "splitting hairs". If it were not for us to know, then why did God reveal it in the written Word?

His will be done. That's where a lot of the problems arise from with us sinners.

Double Barrel BB

Senior Member
I know it is time with the family, and I remember as a little kid finding easter eggs, and believing in Santa...That is more of a Family time. But what I have a problem with is when a Church starts incorporating these "traditions" into Ressurrection Sunday!

I have said this before...

Just because it is a Tradition, doesn't make it right to do.



Senior Member
Where's my go-cart?!?!

THunter said:
I should tell them the Easter bunny and Santa are me
Do what?!?! Have I got a bone to pick with YOU!! :mad: :p

Double B BB,
This may be a stupid question but what is your avatar?



Senior Member
Looks to me like a duel weapon wielding dex fighter from one of the Dungeon & Dragon type role playing games.
but thats just a guess :)

God Bless


Double Barrel BB

Senior Member
GeauxLSU said:
Do what?!?! Have I got a bone to pick with YOU!! :mad: :p

Double B BB,
This may be a stupid question but what is your avatar?


It is from a game called Prince of Persia - Warrior Within. Xbox....
