WMA regulations around Atlanta area?


Senior Member
c. Look up the USFS road access maps to get the full story on access points to the spots you want to check out.
Word of warning - these maps are out there on the USFS websites for the Georgia National Forests. The links where they sit seem to change, though. I've got a Google Drive where I downloaded all the maps I've found over the years for easier access. They've got both road maps that show which ones are open year round vs. seasonally (they're black and white maps), they've got colorized maps of the properties, DNR has other maps of each WMA that are usually at the kiosks on site but also can be found online in PDFs if you dig deep enough usually.

I've even got a Google Earth KMZ file that has the boundaries of every state and federal public land area in Georgia loaded in.

Caltopo has pretty good aerials and LiDAR you can layer on top of topo contours.

Lots of tools and information available for free but does take a bit of time some trips down some rabbit holes to find and evaluate it all.


Senior Member
That sounds like a lot of work. you could just go here instead...
Yup, I've got that in my favorites too!

The LiDAR on Caltopo in particular is rather detailed. You can see all kinds of smaller features that don't show up on other mapping, things that act as funnels for deer movement. It's a lot of work, a lot of time to pour over it, and it's still not the same as burning boot leather on the ground, but I've found it to be very helpful.