

Senior Member
What is your opinion on shooting jakes?


Senior Member
I do not shoot them.

However, my first bird was a jake and I would not and do not criticize hunters that choose to shoot them.

To me it is a personal perference and I have progressed past the point of shooting jakes. Kind of like how I don't shoot small bucks anymore.


Senior Member
don't -

same as killing this year's 2.5 year old basket 8 pt, could be next year's P&Y. This year's jakes could be next year's monster Tom. Having said that, I do not have a problem with a child or first time hunter killing a jake.....especially if they did the calling.

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
I never have but if the season was about out and I hadn't taken a bird then I might, but then I might not. I let five live last year that will be gobbling two year olds this spring. If someone else chooses to, that's good with me.

Dudley Do-Wrong

Senior Member
I allowed my son to shoot a jake last year, it was his first bird. I told him that it was ok for a first bird, but no more jakes from now on. 2 weeks later he got a 10 incher. You gotta let the jakes grow, no doubt about it. With all the hens I'm seeing, I believe you should be allowed 1 hen a year.

finless brown

Senior Member
My first bird was a jake, and man he was tasty. Have not shot one since. I agree with the concensus that for a first timer or a child a jake is ok.


Senior Member
I've killed only one turkey in my life. It was a jake. I thought I was the greatest turkey hunter ever. :eek:
The first buck I ever killed as a kid and new deer hunter was a spike. Both trophies to me. Every buck killed since has been bigger than the last.
My last buck was a mountable 8. My next one will have to be bigger.
JUST LIKE deer, my next turkey will have to be bigger, and therefore a mature tom.
I can't see making a practice out of shooting jakes just like I can't see making a practice out of shooting tiny bucks.
Both are legal, so knock yourself out if it's your bag.
Depends what you want...


Senior Member
I stopped killing Jakes a long time ago......but my father and I use to hunt with Dick Kirby of Quaker Boy. When he would come down he would shoot a Jake just the same as it was a boss gobbler. As talented as he is/was he was indiscriminate (sp). My father said Ben Lee was also the same way. I think that maybe 20yrs ago it was a bit different. If the mood hits me though I have nothing agaist shooting a Jake. There has just been no need for the last 5yrs or so.


Senior Member
I pass them up as well, and as everyone else has said they woudn't mind a kid or someone's first bird to be a jake. That's what i was told by the guy who got me into turkey hunting. I was bound and determined for a Tom to be my first bird instead of a Jake, i got lucky and it worked out! Ten incher was my 1st. I guess the older i get the more conservative i am and it's not as much about the kill anymore!

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
Dawn2Dusk said:

Not the GAABOOO...

(that's my best run of letters to describe a jakes attempt at a Gobble)

Yeah right, I've seen some jakes that could gobble with the toughest longbeard out there !!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Interesting point, Jody.

I have a friend that was plagued with gobbling jakes on his property a few years back. It seems this group of jakes had ganged up and they kept all his longbeards run off the property.

After a few weeks of frustration, he implemented a plan, though.......If you gobble like a man you die like a man.


Senior Member
Why would someone want to shoot a jake? Poults eat better....... :huh:


Senior Member
I don't shoot them....I have killed one or two earlier in my career, but I don't anymore...


Senior Member
Delton said:
Why would someone want to shoot a jake? Poults eat better.......

SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. You're messing up my baited question!

Vernon Holt

Gone But Not Forgotten
My first bird was a hen, taken during fall season, which was legal in Coastal Bryan County in 1952.

I strongly disfavor fall hunting if proposed today.

I am not in favor of shooting jakes. Kinda like some football fans, "just wait'll next year". Never passed up on a jake without feeling good about it.

Jim Thompson

Live From The Tree
I dont care eitehr way, but have passed on all jakes I have seen and have yet to kill a birdie.

now those toms get edumakated everytime they get within range though


Senior Member
I haven't had the desire to shoot a jake in many, many years. However, if one comes in when my son is hunting with me, I would break dance after he killed it.

Also, if the urge to kill a turkey with my bow gets much worse, all bets would be off!!!!!


Go Dawgs and come on March,