Deshaun Watson

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
Great player who I felt should have been amongst the top five picks. Really disappointed at his draft comments though. He said picking Trubisky over him would be a slap in his face. Just be thankful you were selected and prove them wrong on the field.


Senior Member
Great player who I felt should have been amongst the top five picks. Really disappointed at his draft comments though. He said picking Trubisky over him would be a slap in his face. Just be thankful you were selected and prove them wrong on the field.[/QUOT

Absolutely...He needs to remember for every Zack Prescott, there is a RG3
He won't amount to anything on an NFL field..


Senior Member
Watson was not the 1st qb pick because he is not a prototypical NFL qb in size nor arm strength but he has all the intangibles and I think he will do well if the Texans can block for him. I know he grew up poor and later lived in a home Warrick Dunn built, so he is one motivated cat, no pun intended.

across the river

Senior Member
The problem is that in the professional ranks, any weakness you have will eventually be exploited. How many young baseball players get called up and light it up the first year, but fall of the face of the earth when they find out he can't hit a certain pitch or a fastball low and away. RG3 and Colin Kapernick started off on a tear the first year or two, but once the competition figured out how to defend them their career was over. Deshaun Watson has great intangibles, had a great college career, won a national championship, and so on and so on. He can pick you apart with short throws, screens, and all of the other quick, rhythm type passes the system calls for, but he hasn't demonstrated the ability to consistent make the accurate long and intermediate throws he will have to make in the pros. He isn't a plug and play quarterback, and he will have to have an offense tailored to him to to be successful. I wish him well, but I don't think he will have some great NFL carrier. I do hope I am wrong.


RG3 was a far greater victim of a team with no offensive line talent. They asked him to carry the load but a QB cannot survive in the NFL without protection. He has spent more of his career on the DL than anywhere else.


Senior Member
Below avg. arm strength, below average accuracy, the worst Wonderlic score of all of the 12 QB's scored and apparently horrible in the interviews as well.

Kid has charisma and heart, I'll give him that but he's got a lot of learning and growing up to do to be an NFL quarterback.


Senior Member
His momma's jag prolly broke down driving it off the lot plus the value dropped 25k immediately. Bet he's covering her inshoance, too.

red neck richie

Senior Member
Great player who I felt should have been amongst the top five picks. Really disappointed at his draft comments though. He said picking Trubisky over him would be a slap in his face. Just be thankful you were selected and prove them wrong on the field.[/QUOT

Absolutely...He needs to remember for every Zack Prescott, there is a RG3

I thought it was Dak. Even RG3 could be decent behind that line.

across the river

Senior Member
RG3 was a far greater victim of a team with no offensive line talent. They asked him to carry the load but a QB cannot survive in the NFL without protection. He has spent more of his career on the DL than anywhere else.

RG3 had his best year statistically he very first year and his line was terrible then. I think he had almost 1000 yards rushing and his best year passing statistically. Why, because there was no film and none of the NFL defensive coordinators were prepared for a glorified read option in the pros. Linebackers and safeties were out of position scared of him running and they were exploited. Colin K. had similar success. One they get film on you and figure out what to "attack" it gets a lot tougher. Like the baseball rookie who tears it up his first year until they figure out what pitch he can't hit, and he fall off year two. The next year RG3 rushed for half of what he did his rookie year and his qb rating dropped a ton. They had figured him out and it showed. The redskins keep trying to run him and he got beat to oblivion, but he could have had a great line and they still had his number. Peyton, Stafford, and plenty of others qbs drafted early had terrible lines when they first got drafted, but have endured for many years regardless.


Senior Member
Below avg. arm strength, below average accuracy, the worst Wonderlic score of all of the 12 QB's scored and apparently horrible in the interviews as well.

Kid has charisma and heart, I'll give him that but he's got a lot of learning and growing up to do to be an NFL quarterback.

wow, low opinion on the guy who beat miami 58-0



Senior Member
His momma's jag prolly broke down driving it off the lot plus the value dropped 25k immediately. Bet he's covering her inshoance, too.

I believe that's a Maserati! :hair:

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