Wednesday nite eats...what's cook'n?


GON Political Forum Scientific Studies Poster
I got some cauliflower steaming, Brussels sprouts ready to saute with some bacon, and the t-loins from this weekend's deer, soaking in some Pay's marinade ready to go in the cast iron. Pics to follow.


Senior Member
That's sounding mighty good, dwee87.

Wife made a suggestion for us have loaded taters'n'soup.

Thusly, I slaved away in the kitchen. :rofl:

Dropped the taters in a skillet and into the oven....nuked the broccoli & bacon and opened up a can of clam chowder....which I never made it to due dubblin'down on the taters. Now I'm ruint....and swole.....with leftover chowder. :ROFLMAO:



Old and Ornery
Staff member
Been simmering a big pot of baby Lima beans with onion and smoked hog jowl all day, got pork chops, cracklin` cornbread, sliced onion, and a mater to go with it. I`ll try to get a picture or two in a little bit.

pop pop jones

Senior Member
Today we stretched our legs a little. Left the camper and drove to the hobby lobby. My wife tried to walk me to death, but I cut and ran. I eased over to a local clip joint, and got my ears lowered a little.
By now my belly needed some tending to, so we stopped at a Chinese joint.

I left fat and sassy

pop pop jones

Senior Member
That's sounding mighty good, dwee87.

Wife made a suggestion for us have loaded taters'n'soup.

Thusly, I slaved away in the kitchen. :rofl:

Dropped the taters in a skillet and into the oven....nuked the broccoli & bacon and opened up a can of clam chowder....which I never made it to due dubblin'down on the taters. Now I'm ruint....and swole.....with leftover chowder. :ROFLMAO:

I'm with you, those taters look like a meal to me too.