Jesus 101- Burden of Trust


Senior Member
My work of an evangelist has made me aware of a trust inequity between churched and de-churched believers. Many churched believers and their shepherds expect new acquaintances to trust them much more than the trust they extend to new acquaintances. This is a sin of hypocrisy and a failure of the Golden Rule. Repenting of this sin is key to welcoming de-churched believers into better pasture and greater fellowship. I've found it to be one of the main barriers in my work of building bridges between de-churched believers and traditional models of Christian fellowship.


When we opt for titles and rely upon those for some endorsement of ourselves as to ourselves...yes, how foolish we may be! For then we must have nothing less than demand for it from others.

Had the apostles gone in self reliance for convincing...God forbid!

They did not abandon their calling in exchange for title...even when such calling led to the very frank admission of being the chiefest of sinners.

The natural man would say "why believe such a one, at all, then?"

But the spiritual man thanks God for truth that might even come through the weakest vessel...for he learns what and who, that vessel is to whom God has shown such abundance of mercy...even to its admission.

And poor is the man who thinks to himself..."That other man really really needs to see God's mercy".
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Senior Member
And poor is the man who thinks to himself..."That other man really really needs to see God's mercy".

I see the slippery slope more when comparisons are made:
"That other fellow needs God's mercy more than me."

But religious people have trained ourselves not to say it that way, we might not even think it that way.


I see the slippery slope more when comparisons are made:
"That other fellow needs God's mercy more than me."

But religious people have trained ourselves not to say it that way, we might not even think it that way.

It is one of those strange things made not so strange only by seeing the Lord...

“Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;”

We seek mercy now...but not as those wanting it "only for ourselves", nor as those who would think "some other man is worse than I and needs it more..."

But because there's a persuasion there is One who is both delighted to show it and He will not withhold such delight to our seeing of it. To be as pleased with God as He is with mercy.

His purpose to even teach this in what is "of clay" helps in some ways to appreciate the wonder of His working to the end of making man in His image and likeness.

How does the Uncreated One..."make" a something like Himself...of creation?

This union of and with Christ is, as it "was" for and in Him...for all that constitutes the "His". He was/is unashamed of strong crying and tears (otherwise the spirit would have forbidden its recording)...yet in all without self pity, nor any sleezy condescending attitude for others.

We are being moved.

Yes, His work is breathtaking.