Hired Help Wake Up Call - What Are You Business Owners Doing?


Senior Member
You probably don't have the overhead a buisness owner has either.

Not overhead per say,, but I have probably 50k plus in tools,, realistically I have no idea how much I've invested, might be close to twice that , and constant technical training yearly, and buying new diagnostic software every couple years,,

I'm not complaining, I make good money,,, but it ain't $80 a hour !


I Gots Goats
I've told both of my kids they could be making a fortune right now if they wanted to...

I have a nephew who is a full time college student and runnin' a side bidness landscaping. He is absolutely killin' it right now. There's tons of $$ to be made by folks who will hustle. The folks I don't understand are the ones who think it will always be this good.


Senior Member
That's awesome! I have basic Craftsman tools but if I had the room I'd have a full garage of Snap-On tools!

If you can find Snap On wrenches or sockets at a pawn shop for reasonable prices they're worth it,,,, most any other snap on tool is over priced and over rated, including all their air tools and electric impact stuff, Milwaukee electric stuff is much better , Snap on tool boxes are well built,, but not significantly better than other comparable boxes by other companies,,, and my boxes at my shop at home come from Home Depot and Harbor freight, I can sit a 5 drawer tool cart from Snap on and one from Harbor Freight side by side,, remove the name tags ,, and you'd have a hard time telling me which one was Snap on ,

They aren't what they used to be


Senior Member
Not overhead per say,, but I have probably 50k plus in tools,, realistically I have no idea how much I've invested, might be close to twice that , and constant technical training yearly, and buying new diagnostic software every couple years,,

I'm not complaining, I make good money,,, but it ain't $80 a hour !
My buddy is a retired diesel mechanic and his garage looks like my mechanics shop ?
Yeh you guys do invest in a ton of tools.


Senior Member
I was just going to make this suggestion. If you have work that you're only paying $10/hour for, surely you can find some neighborhood kids willing to work for that kind of money.
Mabe we can talk em into ditching school ?
Just playing, or am I


Ive never had a problem finding help. I hear it all the time from other business owners though. I Hired a great guy that started today at $15. I had over 100 resumes and interviewed 6 guys.
I Currently have 11 full time employees, most have been with me for many years. I think the biggest problem biz owners that can’t find good help have is a poor company culture. When you have a good company you can find good help. No one wants to be a “laborer” anymore. But if a person takes a labor intensive job and sees a future there, growing with the company, making good money, moving up the ladder, it makes a huge difference. It’s worked here for 24 years now.
My people show up everyday, work hard and love their jobs.


Senior Member
It’s bad here. We have some good workers but you raise the wages to stay competitive and someone will top that. We have forklift drivers making $50k per year.

I try and look at the positive side. My wages have gone up well above 2018 wages as well.

tree cutter 08

Senior Member
Don't matter if it's paid for or not. Equipment cost the same money to buy outright or make payments. If also doesn't last long when using it to make money.

tree cutter 08

Senior Member
Don't matter if it's paid for or not. Equipment cost the same money to buy outright or make payments. If also doesn't last long when using it to make money.


Staff member
I can't find people to hire right now for a good salary and state benefits including insurance, paid holidays, sick days, pension, and vacation.