Arthritis is Killing Me


Senior Member
I have problems in my feet, legs and back due to multiple leg and back surgeries. If I eat an unhealthy meal (i.e sugar, flour, fried) the aches and pains are significantly worse, particularly in the evenings. So hard to cut those three things out of your diet but if you can you will feel better!


Senior Member
I love my fried food, flour and sugar. After 75 years with that kind of eating I ain't about to give it up. To each his own but an old southern boy is gonna eat what he likes and that's me. Been dealing with this arthritis thing for over 30 years now some say honey is an option and helps arthritis, well it did mine no good at all. Every human being is wired somewhat different, what might kill some folks just might help me, who knows its a hit and miss thing I suppose.

Heredity plays a part in your health also, my Mom and her Mom were eat up with arthritis, I guess I got a good dose from both of them.


Senior Member
I "used"to take Ibuprofen...A Lot, I also had to go see a kidney Doc. No ibuprofen or any type of anti-inflammatory meds for me ever again. I just have taken to much of it over the years. I can only take pain meds for it now.
When you say you took a lot of ibuprofen, what was a lot? More than four per day? Just wanting to know. I have hip problems and take it almost daily; but I know two to four per day is maximum advisable. Thanks.

ol bob

Senior Member
When you say you took a lot of ibuprofen, what was a lot? More than four per day? Just wanting to know. I have hip problems and take it almost daily; but I know two to four per day is maximum advisable. Thanks I got to the point where I couldn't take any, the bad thing it was almost to late when I found out.


Senior Member
When you say you took a lot of ibuprofen, what was a lot? More than four per day? Just wanting to know. I have hip problems and take it almost daily; but I know two to four per day is maximum advisable. Thanks.

A minimum of 4- 800 mil a day and yes sometimes more.
I worked a lot of 16+ hour days so whatever it took to get through them.


Senior Member
As noted, and as I learned, toooo much Ibu damages stuff.

gout flares, a form of arthritis, like a cousin, require a boat load. 3x 1200mg, some days… for me. This wasn’t every day.. but it was every day until the flare burned out. Maybe 2 or 3. the first doses took the edge off .. the rest put it to bed. Eventually.

if possible, see if you can get the doc to provide any other stuff that causes less issues.

i rarely take them now. With other gout stuff, I can avoid it almost completely.


Senior Member
At 34, I already have pretty bad arthritis of the facet joints in my neck. Should be real fun in 30 more years.


Senior Member
Old thread bumped.... Doc does not want me taking anymore Ibuprofen. Yet it's the only thing that gives me relief. My hip joints hurt something awful., sometimes knees.... and got it bad in my feet. The other many places I can deal with, but I need to be able to get around and be active. Any advice?


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Old thread bumped.... Doc does not want me taking anymore Ibuprofen. Yet it's the only thing that gives me relief. My hip joints hurt something awful., sometimes knees.... and got it bad in my feet. The other many places I can deal with, but I need to be able to get around and be active. Any advice?

The only thing that really works for my arthritis is Ibuprofen, but because I have Chronic Kidney Disease, I can`t take it. So I just suffer with it.


Senior Member
I love my fried food, flour and sugar. After 75 years with that kind of eating I ain't about to give it up. To each his own but an old southern boy is gonna eat what he likes and that's me. Been dealing with this arthritis thing for over 30 years now some say honey is an option and helps arthritis, well it did mine no good at all. Every human being is wired somewhat different, what might kill some folks just might help me, who knows its a hit and miss thing I suppose.

Heredity plays a part in your health also, my Mom and her Mom were eat up with arthritis, I guess I got a good dose from both of them.
Sugar/Carbs cause inflammation, and arthritis is inflammation in the joints. I completely changed my diet almost a year ago, and the difference in joint pain is very noticeable. I do miss the sweets and processed carbs at times, but the benefit is worth the sacrifice. Check out this short video by an MD who is a big proponent of the low carb lifestyle.
This works for me… been taking it for years and as soon as I stop taking it my finger, neck, back and knee aches return. It takes about a month for it to kick in, but it helps me
That is the stuff right there. It take it time for the stuff to get in your system but it does help. My doctor said about 3 months before you would see any real difference


Senior Member
When you say you took a lot of ibuprofen, what was a lot? More than four per day? Just wanting to know. I have hip problems and take it almost daily; but I know two to four per day is maximum advisable. Thanks.
There is a warning on the bottle of what the daily limit is.


2023 TURKEY CHALLENGE 1st place Team

Hillbilly stalker

Senior Member
The only thing that really works for my arthritis is Ibuprofen, but because I have Chronic Kidney Disease, I can`t take it. So I just suffer with it.
If you get a chance, read up on eating poke berries. People up in the hills have used it forever, they even make a jam out of it so they have a supply all year.

Hillbilly stalker

Senior Member
Sugar/Carbs cause inflammation, and arthritis is inflammation in the joints. I completely changed my diet almost a year ago, and the difference in joint pain is very noticeable. I do miss the sweets and processed carbs at times, but the benefit is worth the sacrifice. Check out this short video by an MD who is a big proponent of the low carb lifestyle.
My buddy has suffered from gout and arthritis for 27 years. 10 months on carnivore and he is a new man. I been at it for about 7 months and most of my pains are gone. It works.


Mrs. Hoss went carnivore about 8 months ago. Helped her lose weight and got rid of some aches and pains. She has done a lot of reading on it and says that there are a lot of testimonials about it solving arthritis issues. I can’t go carnivore, but since she is eating carnivore, I am pretty much keto. I have an occasional arthritis issue, but clears up pretty quick.

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