1967 vs. 2007


Senior Member
Scenario: Jack goes quail hunting before school, pulls into school parking lot with shotgun in gun rack.

1967 - Vice principal comes over to look at Jack's shotgun. He goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack.

2007 - School goes into lock-down, and FBI is called. Jack is hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.


Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school.

1967 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends.

2007 - Police called. SWAT team arrives. Johnny and Mark are arrested and charged with assault. Both are expelled even though Johnny started it.


Scenario: Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students. ;

1967 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by the principal. He returns to class, sits still, and does not disrupt class again.

2007 - Jeffrey is diagnosed with ADD and given huge doses of ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School gets extra money from State because Jeffrey has a learning disability.


Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his dad gives him a whipping with his belt.

1967 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.

2007 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy is placed in foster care and joins a gang. State psychologist convinces Billy's sister that
she remembers being abused herself, and their da d goes to prison. Billy's mom has affair with psychologist.


Scenario: Mark has a headache and brings some aspirin to school.

1967 - Mark takes aspirin in lunchroom and headache goes away.

2007 - Police called. Mark is expelled from school for drug violations. Car is searched for drugs and weapons.


Scenario: Pedro fails English in high school.

1967 - Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college.

2007 - Pedro's cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is
racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English banned from core curriculum. Pedro is given a diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.

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Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from 4th of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a fire ant hill.

1967 - Ants die.

2007 - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Homeland Security, and FBI called. Johnny is charged with domestic terrorism. The FBI investigates parents; siblings are removed from home; computers are confiscated. Johnny's dad goes on Terror Watch List and is never allowed to fly again.


Scenario: Ji mmy falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher who hugs him to comfort him.

1967 - In a short time, Jimmy feels better and goes on playing.

2007 - Teacher is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces three years in state prison. Jimmy undergoes five years of therapy


Senior Member
Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his dad gives him a whipping with his belt.
You sure your not talking about me?:bounce:


That is about the truth. Sad but true.


Senior Member

I hate to see what happens in 1968vs 2008
1968 Johnson goes out for Nixon who gets us more into Vietnam
2008 will Irag become Vietnam all again
1968 you never heard of gays
2008 ones running for president
1968 We didnt know about cell phones except on star track
2008 if your over 5 years old you have a cell phone
1968 the border patrol kept mexicans from crossing the border
2008 where will we go when there is nowhere to go after US is conquered by mexicans without firing a shot
1968 Prayers said at school and everyone stands to Pledge alligence to the Flag at school
2008 Its too insenitive to hurt ones who dont believe in GOD to make them hear ONE NATION UNDER GOD
1968 a gallon of gas was .27
2008 a gallon of gas is $3 might go up to $4
1968 kids play sports for fun and hunting and fishing are sports
2008 kids are pushed to limits in sports so they can make millions and take steroids even though its a one in a million chance
1968 Taking a kid hunting and fishing is a good thing
2008 thaking kids hunting and fishing is a good thing They can do it all their lives and keeps them out of trouble
1968 there are trees in Georgia like a hudge forest that never ends
2008 how many houses can we pack per acre and people live like rats in a can
1968 you can pull your boat to the lake 25 miles away in 30 mins
2008 You cant keep your boat in the yard it offends your neighbors It takes 4 hours to get to the lake if you get up at 3 am, and make all the lights
1968 You can ask any farmer to go hunting and they will let you go and they ask you back
2008 You have to sign a lease for $50 an acre and must only shoot deer that must be 150 bc and most people cant even clean their own deer
1968 You can eat fish out of any lake you want
2008 You can eat fish at your own risk once a week
1968 We dont think about the worries just live life family life is good and you know all your neighbors
2008 You have to worry about loosing your job,house ,wife,car,dog and kids and neighbors will sue you every chance you get
1968 in in the past we cant change it
2008 Is the present and future we can change things and better do so for our kids and their kids to make it a better world


Senior Member
1967--there are 4.5 million people in Georgia. Except in a very, very few schools, everyone knows everyone else. Jack, the quail hunter knows everyone in his school, and everyone knows him. Jack's Mama, who stays at home and takes care of Jack's baby sister, has told Jack not to leave his old Parker doublegun in the rack. Jack's Dad, who runs the local Shell station, says to leave the kid alone. Nobody is going to bother such an old shotgun. The teachers and principals begin their career in one school. Thirty years later, after teaching the children of their earliest students, and the grandchildren of their own classmates, they retire. The police officers know all the children and their parents. They know who is a troublemaker and who is not. New families who move into a school stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe, if they act right, they will be accepted within two or three years. If they are troublemakers, it soon becomes apparent.

2007--There are close to 10 million people in Georgia. There is really no need for Jack to go quail hunting, because there aren't any quail. If he does, though, the vice-principal, who just moved into the community from Illinois and has never seen Jack before in his life because there are more than 1000 students in the high school, sees Jack's shotgun (which is black with a folding stock) and calls the cops. The police officer, who moved up from South Florida year-before-last and speaks with some kind of accent, comes on campus and puts the cuffs on Jack. His English Teacher, who is an old pro and long-time resident of the community (she has been there four years! she moved in from California) calls Jack's mother to let her know what's going on. She calls at work, and Jack's mother can't come, because she can't leave her job until lunch hour. Jack's Dad, who is living somewhere in Virginia and is three months behind in his support payments, isn't available. Jack's step-Father, who has been abusing Jack's baby sister since he married Jack's mother, says it isn't his problem. Jack, who drew a knife on Johnny during a fight in the lunchroom last month, and who is already on probation, knows this will probably see him sent to alternative school, where some of the older boys will have great sport with him.

Things are very different now than they were in 1967.


Senior Member
Yet the murder rate in Georgia in 2007 is approx one half of the murder rate from 1967. In 1967 it was 11.1 people per 100,000 people and today it is 5.9 per 100,000 people. Those numbers come from the FBI statistics. They seem to hold with the trends all over the nation. Despite people's thought to the contrary, violent crime rates in the US continue to decline to levels that are the lowest since the DOJ started keeping records.


Senior Member
1967vs 2007

Its just alot more people total # get murdered now because of twice the people.I bet in 2027 atlanta which will be about 90 miles in diameter will still be the most dangerous city still.
The country in Ga is going away fast just like the quail did.I barely got to quail hunt in Ga.Our land had follow fields but lots of quail till around 1973.It seems like we traded quail and rabbit for deer,In 1967 there were tons of dirt roads now you hardly see one in North Ga.In 1967 alost everyone in Ga was from Ga now you hardly hear a Southern Accent in the metro atlanta area.Growing up I knew all our neighbors for 3 miles.Now you hardly know 5 neighbors.In 1967 there was no politically correctness taught in school.Now in 2008 there is hardly anything good taught about the white people who built this country.In 1967 you never hear of drive by shooting now its a sport in the city.


Senior Member
According to the numbers there were something like 500 murders in 1967 as compared to 600 today. Of course, the reality is that the State of Georgia has more than double the population it had 40 years ago, hence the significantly lower rate.

Without a doubt the "innocence" we had growing up has been lost. We really never had it, we just didn't know any better because of the fact we didn't have the internet and a dozen channels deluging us with bad news 24x7.