A rare treat for me...


Senior Member
I’m about six hours drive time from any trout streams, so I decided to rob the early morning hours of our Helen family vacation for myself yesterday and today.

Saturday morning produced four encounters with trout and zero being landed! It was good for my soul though!

This morning started off about the same with me worrying I wouldn’t actually land a fish this go round but I finally got the monkey off by landing a nice Brown. Next would be a good fat rainbow. As the clock was telling me I needed to get back to the family (38 minutes ago), I watched a really nice fish rise in slow motion for my dry fly. To my amazement it was a large Brook (stocker I’m certain).

Though I know you mountain guys would have done much better, I am pleased with this Father’s Day! I had a blast and now have to think about how long it’ll be until I can return. 5EE1DF79-8842-4AAB-9B30-7D67F0669605.pngB4FDFAC8-5412-478A-8F29-C1DFBD47340A.jpegD7341CC8-7298-42ED-BEDB-577C72F6E2C5.png


Senior Member
I don't land as many as I would like. It is much more satisfying to be outdoors. Trout don't live in ugly places. You would have feed yourself that night. What more do you need. You are a successful hunter gatherer.



Senior Member
Oh, I was proud to just be out there. I’m thankful my Dad taught me flyfishing as a kid up there. As lost as I am, I’d really be clueless if he hadn’t drug me up there and out west when I was little. I took my kids to mocassin creek to catch a few trout both days and there were scads if kids following us around that wanted to learn. I left a bunch of gear and bait with them in hopes that they can have fun too.


Staff member
Excellent way to spend a morning!


Staff member
It ain't how many trout you catch, it's about the experience!