Back To My Roots Supper


Staff member
Man alive!

SC Hunter

Senior Member
That looks amazing! @Nicodemus talked to my mama yesterday for a while and she said by June 1st their going to open Granny's probably before just depends on how fast the sheetrock and carpet folks get done. I'll keep you posted.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
How do you do cracker style squash?

Put a little lard in your cast iron skillet, cut up several thick slices of bacon and throw it in there along with a chopped up onion and enough cut up jalapeno peppers to choke a goat. Fry it all up good till the onion is clear. Add your sliced squash and fry till tender. Salt and pepper to taste, but I prefer Everglades Heat instead.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
That looks amazing! @Nicodemus talked to my mama yesterday for a while and she said by June 1st their going to open Granny's probably before just depends on how fast the sheetrock and carpet folks get done. I'll keep you posted.

The Redhead and I are glad to hear that! Thanks, Michael.


Senior Member
Put a little lard in your cast iron skillet, cut up several thick slices of bacon and throw it in there along with a chopped up onion and enough cut up jalapeno peppers to choke a goat. Fry it all up good till the onion is clear. Add your sliced squash and fry till tender. Salt and pepper to taste, but I prefer Everglades Heat instead.

I’ll have to give that a try. Thought maybe it had crackers mixed in or something.


TCU Go Frawgs !
Put this together for my Lady for her Mother`s Day supper. Fried pork loin, Cracker style squash, Sandandy peas with chow chow on top, rice, gravy, sliced maters and onions. Now we all pied up like hounds under the porch.

I ain't gonna lie, if you opened a restaurant around here I'd eat there at least 5 times a week.