Bahamas Travel Advisory! Don't Go There!


...just joking, seriously.
My son made his sales quota in only about 10 months at his new position at Workday (human resources software). Since there is a level 2 travel advisory there, I decided I should tag along to Nassau in order make sure everything was okay.
They put us up in some rather spartan accommodations...




And the company knew that everything was super expensive.Too.So they left us each a prepaid mastercard on our bed for $1000 each. We could spend it how we wanted there or take it home with us afterward. We spent most of it and I gave what was left of mine to him to take home.
They even tried to get us to gamble it away with a full blown casino in the lobby...


First meal there was a measly picnic on the lawn, but hey, the drinks were free too.


We got choose from a selection of pre-paid activities, so we chose sportfishing and golf...

Our last dinner there was another picnic on a different lawn...


Those locals would cook just about anything on just about anything.
They even grilled lobster tails on a old re-vamped cannible pot...


They had been following us around on the golf course that day with a golf cart full of some kind free Tito's/lemonade/ginger/mint drinks and those continued on into the night...


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After we drank all the lemonade dranks, they wouldn't make us any more and the sent out a bucha chickin spirit people to run us oft...




...just joking, seriously.
After their celebration, they hearded us all in small conference room in the convention center and we were told there would be a mystery guest performance by an unannounced singer.


They musta knew it would be bad cause they filled us up with more free drinks while we waited.
After a while some girl with two guys' name came out an spit out some tunes...

Glenn Stephano or something like that...




She wasn't exactly a spring chickin, but she shore could sing and dance and pour on the sexy. And the whole routine was like a couple of hours of hard aerobic exercise. She sure was fit.
If she keeps that up she's liable to be a big star one day...
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...just joking, seriously.
The next morning before flying out I ate a giant breakfast like it was my last meal.
Because it was my last meal... there.


Good ta be back home safe and sound after such a harrowing adventure.
Lil more details later.
I gotta check on son's mental state now...
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...just joking, seriously.

Of particular note here is the citrus lobster cole slaw.
I could have made a meal out of that alone.
And there's that ginger lemonade drink again...
and some pork belly, chicken and steak...

'Blurple' water... we raised a billfish to the spread, did a couple quick squiggles to keep baits close and moving but not to far... got a solid take and and the mate freespooled for about a 10-15second dropback. When he slammed her shut I saw the deep bend in the rod he yelled fish on, but the hook did not hold and the bait skipped out of the water back towards us. To short dropback i figure. Prolly white or striped marlin...



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...just joking, seriously.
Jack Nicholas signature golf course...



My son's put for birdie after his fist tee shot (par 3)


I don't play anymore but I chipped a few here and there and putted a little bit on the greens as I rode with my son on his round... his handicap has balloned up to a 7 recently. :bounce:

He parred here of course...


...just joking, seriously.
The Carna steakhouse had some ok feed...

Dry aging meats before your very eyes...




And some kinda old whiskey...


I skipped the $200 Japanese Wagyu filet and the $140 Aussie one. Last time I ate a Japanese filet at a Japanese restaurant they chopped it up into little pieces and mixed it up with other stuff and I et it without knowing it still expecting my steak to arrive soon.
Fool me once... :bounce:
I ordered the hunnert dollar redneck version butterflied and seared on the outside but red on the inside. With some big ol asparaguses.


The bread plate was half gone before I realized how good it was and took a pic.
That's soft cane sugar-butter and smoked salt in front. And some extra thin baked cheese that was lighter than a pringles chip.
Wasshed down with a couple Buffalo Trace n cokes.
Didnt touch the dish full of cooke garlic stuff!


Was NOT cheap but went on the pre-paid MC!
Thanks Workday.


...just joking, seriously.
Other free spiffs that we would find on our bed when we came in in the afternoon included.:

-A pack of really nice travel cubes that were nicer than any I could find before packing a week's worth of stuff into carry on baggage...
- A soft waterproof puffy cooler backpack with removable strap and backpack straps...
-A couple of Workday ballcaps...

All really nice quality gear...


-This Bluetooth device that connects any headphone jack to any Bluetooth earbuds, headset, or speakers...

And we all got a free pair of sunglasses from a booth with 35 different styles from makers such as Dolce and Gabanna, Tori Burch, and Gucchi (for women) and Oakley, Costa, and Smith for the men...

I picked a pair of Costas without any of that rubber that has always delaminated from every pair I have ever owned...


...just joking, seriously.
And I found my favorite dressed burger there.
Not my bestest favorite patty but best dressed...
With it was a substance they called 'applewood smoked bacon jam'.
And a fried egg.
Just forget ketchup and mustard or mayonnaise.
More bacon jam please...
So good the first time I had to go back and do it again later.


Note the 'Swimming Pig' brand on the bun...
I've found some bacon jam available online...


...just joking, seriously.
I also have to mention that I am a very proud father.
Not only proud of this one but another one, both of whom have been able to do better for themselves in life than I was ever able to.
Also a lucky father of 2 boys who were never in or caused any sort of trouble or drama coming up.
I mention it to them all the time.
Hope yall do the same...