Bowhunting solo question


Senior Member
I can't ever find anyone to commit and actually go when the time comes on any out of state hunt or Canada for that matter. That's usually the case. I will say since I have went traditional only with the bowhunting three years ago, I view the challenge differently and unless I am covered up in small bucks, hunting a particular buck or two in the area, or haven't killed a couple of does yet, I'm going to take the rare opportunities that come with my equipment choice. I like to eat them. I am also not going to shoot a first morning scrub buck when I am in a Midwest stand either!! Up until I moved here from Va a little less than two years ago, I hunted Ohio at least once every fall since 2008. It's amazing the hunting they have, plus I will probably never even see another to equal my best. PM me sometime, I will go if timing works out, may even film it. I have pro grade film equipment and exp.