Bride wanted Fries I wanted mash taters


Senior Member
Well you already know who won..My Bride took a fall down the deck stairs about 03:00 Wednesday morning..I did a cursory exam and it was getting black and blue and swelling..So off to the hospital we went..Emergency made an exception with me to allow me to go in with he due to the dementia..The Lord Blessed us it was not broken, they did splint it and made an appointment for June 1st with her neurologist.
I decided to do Chicken fried steak, roux gravy scraped and made with fresh yellow squash and fries.
Mrs H22 I did the pickle juice marinade and butter milk. You young lady again have introduced a mighty fine suggestion,,,,,Thank you it was outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!
First to the cook station
Then the Prep Station
Then onto the plating. Thanks Mandy for the suggestion you knocked the ball out of the park on this one..


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
Looks good!!! Prayers are added from here.

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
You, my friend are a good man. Prayers for your wife and you. So sorry to read about the the fall. I'm sure that was scary.