First Archery Kill


Senior Member
Well, I'm 34 and decided go give archery ago. I bow hunted years ago but never harvested anything. I cheated this year and got a crossbow. You guys gave me some some broadhead advice. I haven't had a ton of time to go this year but I did manage to take a doe this evening who came in with a hard limp. Not the biggest, but about 100lbs. Quartering to me a little, about 42 yards away. Bolt went through her high shoulder, out the back of her ribcage. Complete pass through and she didn't go 15 yards. 125 grain rage x mechanical. Fun experience. Lots to learn still. Like I realized I didn't know how to turn my lighted nock off.




Staff member
Nice deer. Congrats!
Think u pull it out the arrow and push something in. Like a little hole with a paper clip.
I’m sure other know.

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