Happy Birthday, AccUbonD!


Staff member
Happy birthday my Vol brosef. Hope it’s a great day for you. Santa’s on his way!


Staff member
Phone call for Accubond....... Happy Birthday Fella.



Senior Member
Happy birthday Vol.
See. Some of these dawg fans have a heart. Except slayer. I don’t believe he has a heart at all :bounce: Hope you have a good day

Ok, I'll give it a try.

Happy Birthday Accubond, I hope none of your wishes come true! Your team still sucks and no matter how many times you wish for them to be relevant, Kirby and the Dawgs will be there to rip your heart out. Enjoy your trip to your bowl game against Clemson. Another team that lost to South Carolina so that bowl is pointless. But Happy Birthday Man and be glad you won't have the day ruined by Tennessee losing! :cheers:

See. Some of these dawg fans have a heart. Except slayer. I don’t believe he has a heart at all :bounce: Hope you have a good day
Sooooo.... How was ^that^?
The best any vol fan could expect from you. Good job:tip:
Well, it was after the fact and his birthday is now over and his wishes did not come true. It's Monday morning and the Vols still are..