Important Information on Insecticides and Pesticides


Senior Member
I had put this information up as part of a reply in another forum area, but thought it important enough to justify its own Topic for discussion and WARNING to all users of such products.

Recently (10 days ago) I almost lost one of my Golden Retrievers due to ingesting a product supposedly SAFE AFTER IT HAD DRIED by chewing on a sprayed piece of wood that had termites in it (sprayed 1 week earlier). It cost me almost $1800 to save her life by having 'Emergency Surgery' done.... hopefully none of you will have this experience after reading the below .pdf file.

After having read this .pdf file, I called my vet this morning and discussed this article with her and she agreed that it was highly probable that the insecticide I had used was the probable cause of my dogs Emergency Surgery condition (almost total renal failure).


I was trying to find information on "Torus", an 'insect growth regulator' product I had used previously several years ago to control a 'plague' of both ticks and fleas I had in my yard at one time. While doing so, I happened to come upon this .pdf file from the University of Maryland's Cooperative Extension Service on:

"Mode of Action of Structural Pest Control Chemicals" (click here)

It explains how different types of chemicals are used in insect/pest control and how they affect the insect/pest to either kill them or inhibit their progression to the next normal stage of development (prevents them from becoming adults and laying eggs or breeding). Very interesting and informative reading for those interesting in learning the "hows and whys" of using various types of chemicals for insect or pest control uses.

It also explains WHY certain pesticides are EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS to humans, especially small children and pets, or other wildlife who may come in contact with such chemicals inadvertently when they are used in a manner not prescribed in their directions for use. This is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ITEM that all users of pest/insect control chemicals SHOULD BE AWARE OF.

On the last couple of pages of this pdf file are charts that list the chemical name (along with their BRAND/TRADE NAMES) and what 'class' of chemical they fall into. I think you'll find this list of BRAND NAMES very interesting indeed.

Hope others find it as 'interesting' as I did.

This post may be a candidate of 'pinning' as a 'sticky' to the top of the topic area due to its relative importance and safety considerations.