Intro/state wide deer management proposal


Hello, my name in Michael Lee (not the TV host). I look forward to speaking with any and all who share this sight for the entertainment and knowledge of others. The fellow ship I've seen thus far is comforting and I hope that I am able to bring with me something for all to inherit. Although my interests are broad and varied I am however stricken to a more specific and dedicated pursuit. I am an ardent outdoorsmen with an emphasis on bowhunting whitetails in the state of Georgia. I've been deer hunting off and on since the early 70's and with no lack of luster I hope to make it better for everyone in the very near future. It is with hope that I may pass this tradition on to my son where he to can continue on with the title of our family legacies. More importantly is it for he to press on with the preservation efforts of our sport and the conservation of our natural resources for the future endeavors of those to come. Curtailing the introduction and slicing into the heart of my intent is this. I'll be posting a thread with an attatchment in the deer hunting category very soon for all to see and read. The attachment will be a new state wide deer management program with a trophy animal implement. With desire and deference to all my program ideas are meant to satisfy the family mob (so to speak) so as to bring about a harmony that is conducive to the visions of improving upon that which exists. With the discord of our majority rule and the absolute of losing our promise to be our actions as a family unit will be the answer to an end result. I look forward to the future of a jointed initiative and understanding that will serve us all so long as we act as one. To note, I am new to this type of digital approach and may need some prompting should I be on the wrong path. The idea of posting my proposal in the deer hunting category and not here is the right move I presume? Mike.