Looking for information on steelhead fishing.


Purveyor Of Fine Spirits
I earlier asked about fishing Lake Superior in Minnesota and apparently nobody on here had done so. I went and was able to figure out how to catch Pink Salmon, which were in every tributary up to the first obstacle, on a fly rod and that only whetted my appetite for more. So now I am planning a trip to some of the eastern tributaries of the Great Lakes looking for winter, early spring steelhead, lake run brown trout and salmon. I have narrowed down the area to either Ohio, Pennsylvania or New York. Just curious if anyone in this forum has done so, and if so, any pointers would be greatly appreciated. No locations, just information on must have items and preferred rigs. Oh yeah, Nick you have an invitation for tag along and chase them with me. Needless to say, my new truck build has opened up a virtual cornucopia of possibilities for fishing and hunting.

Don't get me wrong, if you want to point me in the right direction to a stream or river full of them I won't be upset.......
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Senior Member
I fished a few creeks going into Lake Erie last Fall for the first time from PA into NY. Lots of places to fish, some crowds. Fishing was hit and miss. Depends on rain fall, etc on whether the fish are running or not.


Staff member
The Wet Fly Swing podcast has had several episodes on Great Lakes steelhead tactics.