Louisiana Law (New Show)


Senior Member
I watched the Louisiana Law show and I enjoyed it. As for the difference between North Woods wardens and Louisiana, Texas wardens it is easy to see. The North Woods wardens are Yankees.

As for the need for game wardens and their checking for compliance with game laws, they are just doing their job. Yes I know most Georgia Sportsmen follow the laws and regulations, but their are some that do not. These that violate these laws and regulations are cheating and stealing from you and I that adhere to the laws and regs. I know what I am talking about because in my younger years I was a big time violator. To me I had to catch every fish that swam, limits didn't apply to me, as long as they were biting, I put them in the boat. We were limited to only two buck deer, to me if it was brown it was down. I had to kill every dove I saw, and I got a lot. I telephoned fish and shot them too, if I could have got my hands on dynamiter I would have used it too. I was not alone in these assaults 'on the game and fish of Georgia, most of my friends did the same thing, a lot of times we would bet money on who could catch the most fish or kill the most deer or doves. We were bad, we would get caught from time to time and we paid the fines, but we didn't stop until we grew up and out of this stage in life. However, I know some who didn't grow out of it and continued until they got to old to lift a pole/basket or load and fire a gun.

I know a number of game wardens too and they know me. They know my age and I have lifetime license. They know I have learned my lessons about limits but they still check from time to time. If they see the sticker on the boat, my life jacket and fire extinguisher they don't ask, but if they don't they ask. If they see my truck in the woods they know to come back and check my stand after I have gone home, or they wait at the truck for me, they see the orange coming through the woods.

My advice is to find the game warden for the areas you hunt and fish and get to know them and let them know what you drive and where you hunt and fish. When they learn you are complying with the laws and regs. they will not bother you except just to see how you are doing.

Remember they are only doing their job. They can be very helpful. Be nice to them and they will be nice to you. However, if you ever think they are going out of their way to harass you, get their name and contact the area DNR office and report them.


King Casanova
I enjoy watching the Texas shows and also these newer Louisiana shows.

I have visited several of these Texas areas over the years....and I would NOT want to work in those environments for any amount of money.

These officers are just doing their jobs and I LOVE THE FACT THAT THEY SEEM TO ENJOY THE EDUCATING SIDE OF THEIR JOB even better than writing all sorts of tickets. (For the record, some of those tickets should be written as these offenders know the system better than anybody so they need to have to pay for their tactics as such. However, by educating the public, it will decrease violations tremendously and in the long run, it will be much safer environment for everybody.

Just for the record, I have NEVER had any problem with any game warden before...and maybe a couple of times during my hunting career, I just might have done an illegal thing or two. However, I have not broken any laws for many, many years and I have still enjoyed my time in the woods. Over these years, I have had a couple of good friends that were game wardens in both South Carolina and Georgia and I surely could not do their jobs very efficiently. I also knew the wives of these wardens and their wives were constantly worried if their husbands would return home safely after their shifts. I wouldn't consider doing their job for 3 times my current annual income either. I appreciate these individuals doing their jobs very well as such.

Now also I will say that here in the SOUTH is totally different than up in the Northeast because somehow, those northerners were taught from a different book apparently. It is no secret that I would NOT get along too well with some of those characters.....and the good news is that they won't have to put up with me during the next 100 years either !!!


Senior Member
I have only been approached by a game warden twice. About 30yrs ago.
I was trout fishing in the Ga mtns and was using corn. And had rooster tails and other jigs. It was a closed stream to live bait (corn is a live bait) and single hook only. Got a warning that time.
1 day later fishing in the NC mtns and on Reservation land (thought we were in the National forest). Same bait. Got a 50 dollar ticket from the Reservation police/warden.

Have not been trout fishing since, TOO MANY REGULATIONS. Open vs closed. Year round vs delayed harvest. Single hook only.
I just want to fish and keep my limit, no more and hopefully no less.
Ga should be all open seeing as how they are all stocked trout anyway. (I know there are the tiny Brooke trout in the tiny creeks but I and most aint fishing there)

Never seen a warden hunting or other fishing. Guess I don't look like a criminal or they just too busy doing other things. Have seen them but just never approached or questioned.

I like the shows though. Cops and Live PD too. (Racist? If you are in the wrong you are in the wrong)


Senior Member
I've been watching it. Pretty good show. The Louisiana wardens are a whole lot nicer and more decent than those conceited "the public is our enemy" yankee wardens on North Woods Law.
The Yankee Johnny Green Pants episode that really ticked me off involved a young hunter, first time hunting with a bow. First time. They checked out his equipment and you could almost hear the cash register in the background. You see...if you’re a yankee bow hunter (bow huntah?) you have to have your name, address,etc written, in indelible ink I suppose, on your dang bow! You also have to have every arrow identified likewise! The poor kid was excited as could be...his first bow hunt....and ole JGP was ringing him up! The bow was an infraction, each arrow in his quiver (quivah?) was a separate infraction! If I remember correctly JGP was talking in the neighborhood of $400 or so in fines for some idiotic regulation that would have been bettah served with a simple warning.

I also have heard them say more than once “Well, he checked out fine...i saw no infractions. But sooooomething about him didn’t look right.....I‘ma keepin my eye on him this hunting season” That’s called hunter harassment if JGP keeps it up.

I have a friend that was a GW and resigned his position to take a job in another LEO profession. When asked why, he answered it was upsetting to him that all he did was ruin people’s day when they were out just trying to enjoy life and get away from the day to day pressures of life. He’s much happier now.
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Senior Member
Y’all hate those Yankee GW’s because they don’t stop investigating the slightest thing. I’d much rather deal with a southern GW. Two seasons ago I had a GW down here in FL at a high dollar private dove hunt tell us that he was only there to keep other GW’s away as he stuffed bbq in his mouth lol. He did a good job.

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
Friendly reminder - New episode tonight @ 9


Senior Member
Y’all hate those Yankee GW’s because they don’t stop investigating the slightest thing. I’d much rather deal with a southern GW. Two seasons ago I had a GW down here in FL at a high dollar private dove hunt tell us that he was only there to keep other GW’s away as he stuffed bbq in his mouth lol. He did a good job.
I woulda invited him to the next shoot!


Senior Member
They wear them face mask in the truck and all the time when the cameras not there too? Other than that like the show


Senior Member
They wear them face mask in the truck and all the time when the cameras not there too? Other than that like the show
I noticed that to... makes you wonder when the show was filmed, could have been early last year when everyone was going crazy :huh:


Senior Member
I wish the local Magistrate and State court judges and illustrious legislature took their jobs as seriously as the GW. The slaps on the wrist that are passed under the Gold Dome and then administered from the bench do nothing to deter slob "hunters" that steal the game from those of us who enjoy pursuit of the game as much as the harvest.

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
Fat boy on last nights show was trying to sweet talk the lady warden even AFTER she said she was going to give him a warning. I don't think she was interested, though. :bounce:

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
What is everyone's issue with North Woods Law other than they are up north?
They talk weird! :bounce: Just my least favorite of the bunch. Most of the subject matter has little to do with hunting, and more to do with searching for missing hikers, ticketing fishermen, looking for trespassers, relocating animals, or looking for stolen lobster traps. Sure, every once in a while you'll get something related to hunting.


What is everyone's issue with North Woods Law other than they are up north?
Wardens a bunch of jerks on Northwoods.
They are all shows that remind us of the tyrant we live under. L.E. is supposed to have probable cause a crime has been or is being committed before they can detain me. The fact I am in a tree is not probable cause I broke a law. If I am not breaking a law, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
Wardens a bunch of jerks on Northwoods.
They are all shows that remind us of the tyrant we live under. L.E. is supposed to have probable cause a crime has been or is being committed before they can detain me. The fact I am in a tree is not probable cause I broke a law. If I am not breaking a law, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!
I don't think it's right for a warden to walk in on a hunter, unless, of course, he knows there is a violation being committed. If not, stay out and wait for the hunter to come out and check him. I wouldn't be very happy if one walked in on me. And thankfully, I've never had that happen.


I don't think it's right for a warden to walk in on a hunter, unless, of course, he knows there is a violation being committed. If not, stay out and wait for the hunter to come out and check him. I wouldn't be very happy if one walked in on me. And thankfully, I've never had that happen.
I have. I don't appreciate them messing up my fishing either. I go to nature to relax, not get aggravated by the KGB.


Management Material
I don't think it's right for a warden to walk in on a hunter, unless, of course, he knows there is a violation being committed. If not, stay out and wait for the hunter to come out and check him. I wouldn't be very happy if one walked in on me. And thankfully, I've never had that happen.
I agree. Get up 2 hours before sunrise, shower in no scent soap, drive to the land, put on “scent free” clothes stored in a sealed tote and boots, get on stand, and here comes a LEO checking my license after walking by my truck knowing I’m coming out to get in it eventually. I’ve had it happen, even though I was doing nothing wrong.