Michael Vick 30 for 30

My pitty is a mean one.. you better watch out! He also likes the boat.



Actually I Am QAnon
Has Slayer attended any cockfights, asking for a friend


Useless Billy Director of transpotation
so... how many of you Vick sympathizers would want him married to your daughter???


He’s good when he’s winning football games for you.
Not me. Would you want Trump as a son in law ?


Senior Member
Yeah I'll go with that.
I just can't believe that someone's going to come on here and compare what sportsmen do with what Michael Vick did. Total 180゚ dichotomy if you ask me.
While I don’t agree with what Vick did I also can’t pass judgment on him. It’s completely legal to turn a pack of dogs loose to chew a hog up until you can get there to kill it with a knife or gun and in a lot of cases the hogs are killed and left laying. It’s also socially acceptable to kill a bait fish, cricket Or worm just to catch and release a fish. Think about the people buying live rats or rabbits to feed their pet snakes, I’m sure those animals don’t enjoy that. We have placed a high importance for pampering and taking care of dogs, myself included but outside of man made laws what makes them any more important than all the other animals?


Senior Member
Nope. And it’s legal.

Not a Felony.
Im not a fan of Vick or defending him but what makes a dog more important than a bait fish? I know dog fighting is illegal but as far as torturing animals what’s the difference to be able to cast such judgement? I’m sure we all enjoy something that is technically illegal to some extent
Has Slayer attended any cockfights, asking for a friend

Tell your friend that Slayer’s momma raised him right and also taught him not to play with his food.
Not me. Would you want Trump as a son in law ?
But as long as he played football and helped win games, he gets a free pass? Not happening.
Is it ok to hang dogs? Much less shove one's head into a 5 gallon bucket and drown it?

As a son in law, sure, if there wasn't such an age difference. Vick is 39 and Trump is 73. Trump is not the complete waste of human flesh Michael Vick is.
While I don’t agree with what Vick did I also can’t pass judgment on him. It’s completely legal to turn a pack of dogs loose to chew a hog up until you can get there to kill it with a knife or gun and in a lot of cases the hogs are killed and left laying. It’s also socially acceptable to kill a bait fish, cricket Or worm just to catch and release a fish. Think about the people buying live rats or rabbits to feed their pet snakes, I’m sure those animals don’t enjoy that. We have placed a high importance for pampering and taking care of dogs, myself included but outside of man made laws what makes them any more important than all the other animals?
Can't pass judgement my rear! You pass judgement on things every single day. Everyone does! You just choose "not to" in certain cases. Like defending Michael Piece Of Filth Vick.

Anyone that defends that guy and compares what he did to what we do as Sportsman & land managers is well.. Too far gone to bring back to the side of logical. Breeding animals to fight to the death and throwing innocent animals in the cages to "train" other dogs..

I could see where some "real men" do that for fun. But hey, there's tons of sick people in this world. It's legal to marry your cousin in Alabama.

Hillbilly stalker

Senior Member
Vick came thru our town and really upped the interest in dog fighting. He got the local thugs all motivated in the game. It got so bad that they started burglarizing the Animal Control Center and stealing every pit to fight and every dog they thought would be a good " bait" dog. Our county had to install an Alarm system over it. He may have went to jail and paid his dues, but his actions affected a lot of people and introduced a lot of new players to the Frey. They still fight them every Sunday here in this county, you see treadmills, racks and swings in a lot of yards in town in plain sight.


Senior Member
Can't pass judgement my rear! You pass judgement on things every single day. Everyone does! You just choose "not to" in certain cases. Like defending Michael Piece Of Filth Vick.

Anyone that defends that guy and compares what he did to what we do as Sportsman & land managers is well.. Too far gone to bring back to the side of logical. Breeding animals to fight to the death and throwing innocent animals in the cages to "train" other dogs..

I could see where some "real men" do that for fun. But hey, there's tons of sick people in this world. It's legal to marry your cousin in Alabama.
Like I said it being Michael Vick has nothing to do with my opinion and I agree he should have went to jail but I won’t condemn him for life over that. I don’t view dog fighting as being as bad as selling drugs, theft, rape or murder of another human. My point was just because it was a dog people want him to
Spend life in jail and will hate him forever but in reality a dog is just an animal. Some forms of how we hunt and fish can be pretty cruel to animals if you look at all animals equal deer, hogs, fish, coons, coyotes and dogs. Do you really think putting 2 dogs in a cage and letting them fight until 1 is dead in 10 minutes is much worse than trapping a coyote in a leg trap and coming back 12-24 hours later to shoot it and that be completely legal?


Senior Member
I wonder how many dogs have been shot by deer hunters because they chased a deer in front of them after much money and time spent getting ready for hunting season...I mean...atleast Vicks dogs had a "fightin chance" right...

sorry for the pun
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Senior Member
Like I said it being Michael Vick has nothing to do with my opinion and I agree he should have went to jail but I won’t condemn him for life over that. I don’t view dog fighting as being as bad as selling drugs, theft, rape or murder of another human. My point was just because it was a dog people want him to
Spend life in jail and will hate him forever but in reality a dog is just an animal. Some forms of how we hunt and fish can be pretty cruel to animals if you look at all animals equal deer, hogs, fish, coons, coyotes and dogs. Do you really think putting 2 dogs in a cage and letting them fight until 1 is dead in 10 minutes is much worse than trapping a coyote in a leg trap and coming back 12-24 hours later to shoot it and that be completely legal?
Ain't nobody placing bets on the coyote and getting enjoyment out of watching it suffer, If you think there's ANY comparison between dog fighting and the legal use of foothold traps you are sadly mistaken! I recently posted about FOOT-HOLD traps being used to capture critters for research. Captured and released and in some cases recaptured. Don't believe me? Look it up. The coyote study in GA & SC going on right now they used trappers to catch the coyotes so they could radio collar 'em. Otters and bobcats were trapped in GA & other southern states to reintroduce them to places like Ohio. DOG FIGHTING AND TRAPPING ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS!
The only thing I dislike more than an anti (hunting, trapping, fishing, gun rights) is an ignorant "sportsman"! Take the time to educate yourself.


Senior Member
I just read your post comparing folks buying rats and rabbits to feed snakes to dog fighting. What the heck do you think those snakes eat in the wild? I got a 20+ year old ball python was used for educational purposes (reptile programs). He eats rats and mice - it's natureal. Now I guess you gonna' come back and say that a buncha' gold toothed thugs fighting dogs for fun and $$$ is natural too. I'm with the Browning Slayer on this one - way yonder too far gone to bring back to logical!


Senior Member
I just read your post comparing folks buying rats and rabbits to feed snakes to dog fighting. What the heck do you think those snakes eat in the wild? I got a 20+ year old ball python was used for educational purposes (reptile programs). He eats rats and mice - it's natureal. Now I guess you gonna' come back and say that a buncha' gold toothed thugs fighting dogs for fun and $$$ is natural too. I'm with the Browning Slayer on this one - way yonder too far gone to bring back to logical!
Once again in no way do I think it’s ok to fight dogs you must have missed that point a couple times. But I also don’t see it as a big enough crime to spend 20 years in prison and be hated for life over either. As for the gold toothed thugs fighting dogs for fun being natural, I don’t see it much different than the good ole boy raised in the country fighting chickens. Not my idea of fun but there’s much worse they could be doing.


Senior Member
Had a thought come to mind - for hunters/fishermen/etc. that kill/trap/catch/etc. critters for the frying pan - I don't know a single one that gets a sadistic thrill or purposely tortures and enjoys inflicting extra pain on said critter. What Vick did had more sadistic enjoyment intent behind it. To me that's the difference, us on here don't enjoy seeing something suffer and we don't purposely try to make anything endure extra suffering as it expires. In fact, we make an effort to ensure a clean kill and quick death so said critters don't endure extra suffering.

Vick and his cohorts, by contrast, didn't just kill the non-performing dogs. They sadistically ensured those dogs endured more suffering and pain.

That's the big difference - Vick and his fellows were sadistic, we are not.

Regarding pitbulls - my nephew has one. A female, about 80-90 lbs. Dog is hard as a brick, but it is the gentlest creature I've ever run across. To relate a story, my parent's chihuahaa got made at the pit one day and cornered it in the backyard. Had it stuck up on this raised planter bed. The walls were too tall for the chihuahua to get up, so the pit was just standing up there, crying, while the chihuahua circled the bed like a shark. Said chihuahua was 4 lbs.

I'm sure somewhere in the pit's mind, it knew said chihuahua wasn't a big threat, but it went out of it's way to stay out of the fight and not hurt said chihuahua, instead begging for one it's humans to come and help it! I don't know about all pits, but I know that one in particular just had an extremely gentle personality and is actually a great dog to have around.
I mean...atleast Vicks dogs had a "fightin chance" right...

sorry for the pun
How is there a fightin chance when your head is shoved into a 5 gallon bucket of water while you are tied up?

And that's after you lose and about dead already..
Anyone that doesn't have a problem with dog fighting. You are part of the problem,.