Photo captures image of an 'angel'


I'm not catholic (not that it matters in this discussion, though you seem to think you have it all figured out) but what in that scripture points you in the direction that there couldnt be an angel after the time of Christ. All that passage is doing is warning us to not fall for false Christs' or false prophets. it doesnt say, "there will be no angels......"

i have nothing figured out.... except knowing that following Christ is THE most important thing in the world... here are couple of sites that i think offers some good info on lying signs and wonders...

2 Thessalonians 2:9-15

"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ---- who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold


Listen my Christian brother,
Based on your above trash talk, I believe you need to get your Christian ideals in check and stop talking trash. You are usually the first to point out bitterness in someone elses but are seldom able to see the acid that can spew from your own mouth.
Just my thoughts...... And I don't handle snakes

i've known dawg 2 weeks now.... and i can tell you that he is never wrong and his church is never wrong... anyone here that disagrees with him or his church, then he is quick to point out their so-called errors and then bash them and their beliefs. Truth is not important to him, just being right and his pope always being right.... if anyone mentions something against his beloved Church, he freaks out... I pray that his love for Christ is far greater than that his love for the Church... b/c THE Church cannot save anyone from hellll... Jesus is clear in the Bible that we are to love Him far greater than our own familes and also the congegration that we fellowship with...


i've known dawg 2 weeks now.... and i can tell you that he is never wrong and his church is never wrong... anyone here that disagrees with him or his church, then he is quick to point out their so-called errors and then bash them and their beliefs. Truth is not important to him, just being right and his pope always being right.... if anyone mentions something against his beloved Church, he freaks out... I pray that his love for Christ is far greater than that his love for the Church... b/c THE Church cannot save anyone from hellll... Jesus is clear in the Bible that we are to love Him far greater than our own familes and also the congegration that we fellowship with...

All I put up was an alleged picture of an "angel" and then you went off on a tangent:rolleyes:


Listen my Christian brother,
Based on your above trash talk, I believe you need to get your Christian ideals in check and stop talking trash. You are usually the first to point out bitterness in someone elses but are seldom able to see the acid that can spew from your own mouth.
Just my thoughts...... And I don't handle snakes

You missed the point. I could draw rabid conclusions as he does based on isolated incidences. I do not however, suscribe to that type of philosophy like big10 pointer does. THAT is the point I was trying to make.

DYI hunting

Senior Member
Maybe an angel, maybe a sign for God to reassure the mother after so much turmoil with the child's health. I have seen signs that cannot be just brushed away as coincidences, so who am I to disagree with a what a mother in agony interpreted as an angel.


i have nothing figured out.... except knowing that following Christ is THE most important thing in the world... here are couple of sites that i think offers some good info on lying signs and wonders...

Well based on what this says from your link:

"Here are some questions we need to ask when proving things. Does the sign, miracle or wonder line up with the Word of God? Is God receiving the glory for this miracle or is a man or woman being exalted? Can you picture Christ performing this miracle? Does the miracle draw attention to Christ or to the man performing the miracle? Does this wonder cause you love and worship God more? What is the purpose for this miracle? The Lord does not perform miracles just to exhibit His power to men. He does them for specific purposes and reasons."

I would say if the girl was healed as they said, then it was a miracle from God.:huh:


The Oracle
Appears to have wings and since angels do not have wings it must be some light reflecting off of the windows. Another example of Catholic idol worship.

Another example of an (.....) spewing filth. :rolleyes:

Five letters... Starts with "I"


Were you dropped on your head BMPIQUE? You sure sound like him. I don't worship nor have angels flying around my house. What an idiotic statement. You really do need guidance on scripture, your interpretations are warped beyond recognition.

Actually, I don't care who you use to interpret the bible, but the group you are in that meets in a cave is way off. Keep looking.

These guys met in caves... "...they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth." Heb 11:38


Senior Member
Wow...I just caught up on this thread and all I can say is wow.

Can this one just go to the 2nd page?


If you believe in every thing that is told in the bible how can you not believe in angels ? In modern day life they seem to be a common accurance. The only bad angel I have heard of is the one that fell from grace. Big10 ,help me out . I see tour reference to false gods and prophets but no angels.
As an aside , were you abused by catholics ?


Senior Member
There is a heirarchy of angels,the four creatures with wing's surrounding the Throne of GOD in constant praise and worship.The Cheribum,who have wing's 4 as a matter of fact.The Seraphim who have 6 wing's.Angels who are spirit.Arch-angel's,Michael,Gabriel,and Lucifer the only ones named,and Lucifer fell and became satan,along with 1/3 of the angels from Heaven.There are four angels bound in the river euphrates,does that mean you can scuba dive and see them?
THE LORD SAY's in HIS Word(paraphrase)"You never know when you are entertaining angels unaware".No one should think they have the authority to speak for GOD,and what HE is going to do,especially in the life of a child.I don't believe people would receive,peace and faith in GOD,from an act of satan.It may have been a reflection,but GOD can use anything HE want's to bring about HIS Will.Angels are around us all of the time,as are demon's.


Senior Member
Well,keep on with all of your judging and disbelief.I tell you I know what I was told and saw and will wager that mtnwoman knows too.I have also experienced a presence at the body of my departed Dad.Jesus said,I will never leave you.In my absence I will send the comforter who is the holy spirit.Oh you of so little faith how sorry I feel for you.


Senior Member
Well,keep on with all of your judging and disbelief.I tell you I know what I was told and saw and will wager that mtnwoman knows too.I have also experienced a presence at the body of my departed Dad.Jesus said,I will never leave you.In my absence I will send the comforter who is the holy spirit.Oh you of so little faith how sorry I feel for you.

I believe you brother,as I said in my post above.We have angels around us all of the time,seen and unseen.We just aren't aware most of the time when we do see them.In the case of the picture,I know there was a miracle.Thats for sure.


Senior Member
I didn't read all of the Christian vs Christian stuff, but isn't this just a reflection from light coming in the window?


Senior Member
Reflecting off of what?
Right place,right time.Whatever you want to believe,you can't argue the end result.


I may have missed it but could you go back and hilight the angel part in that incredible example of ''if you cant dazzle them with brilliance ,baffle them with...... What I sifted out was; its there but if you look for it turns into sin.


On the aside ....No I dont feel better. I am sorry that happened to you. It does go a long way in explaining the anger. In my life I found it best to forgive,forget , and move on with things like that. I hope you find some peace.


Another example of an (.....) spewing filth. :rolleyes:

Five letters... Starts with "I"

there's no better example of spewing filth than by calling someone else in "idiot"... especially when that "idiot" is a Christian who knows their Bible...

what was that comment you recently made about getting rid of the "bad apples"... ? calling a brother in Christ, an "idiot", because they know their Bible, would have to include you in that list of "bad apples"...
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Senior Member
there's no better example of spewing filth than by calling someone else in "idiot"... especially when that "idiot" is a Christian who knows their Bible...

I would have to agree, calling any believer (or Unbelievers for that matter) a nasty name is uncalled for.

We may not all agree on things, but personal attacks are non productive for the kingdom of God.

How bout a five letter word that starts with C
_ _ _ _ _ of God.



How about a 5 letter word that starts with A :bounce: