SG Hack and squirt finished!


Well I have finished the hack and squirt of the sweetgum stumps on my 25 acre clearcut (after the tornado damage). Actually I was pleasantly suprised to find that the loggers had done as directed and left what small oaks that they could. Several approx 15 foot tall water and pin oaks still standing, and by god a few small white oaks as well! Some large pines on the edge of the clearcut should help to reseed and so in a few years will hopefully be seeing my mixed hardwood/pine forest come back to life.

My question is this: I used Garlon for the squirt portion of the hack and squirt on the sweetgum stumps. Should that take care of the stumps as well as the many shoots that were coming out of the ground in the 10-15 ft radius from the stumps? I do plan to do a follow up with a foilage spray twice this summer to hit anything that I may have missed. Dont think I will kill them all, but should put a good dent in them.


Oh and I almost forgot the best part. Me and my 8 year old son raked up a few bucket fulls of water oak acorns from up by the house. Took a long walk through the clearcut the one day and planted every one of them. Heck if one in twenty make it that will be great. Also thinking that my son could be walking through that same area in 20 to 30 years with his children admiring the trees we started from acorns....very cool!!