testing html dont read

<table width=95% align=center bgcolor=#FFFFE0 style="border:1px solid black;">
<form name=theform method=POST action="https://www.agreementsetc.com/payment.php">

<tr><td style="padding:5px;">

<center><span style='font-size:16px'>
<b><u>RENTAL APPLICATION</b></u></span></center><br><b>In regards to the property located at
5960 Valencia, Lake Park, Georgia
<BR> <BR></b><ol>

<li><b>Rental Terms</b><br> <br>The House has a monthly rent of $850.00 and a security deposit of $650.00. The term of the tenancy shall start January 19, 2008 and end January 19, 2009.<BR> <BR> <BR><li><b>Tenant Information</b><br><br> <br>
Full Name_____________________________
<BR> <BR>
Phone (____)_____________
<BR> <BR>
Work Phone (____)________________
<BR> <BR>Date of Birth: ____ / _____ / ____
<BR> <BR>Social Security Number ______-_____-_______
<BR> <BR>Driver's License #_______________________ <br> <br> <br><br> <br>
Full Name_____________________________
<BR> <BR>
Phone (____)_____________
<BR> <BR>
Work Phone (____)________________
<BR> <BR>Date of Birth: ____ / _____ / ____
<BR> <BR>Social Security Number ______-_____-_______
<BR> <BR>Driver's License #_______________________ <br> <br> <br><li><b>Pet Information</b><br> <br>

Please provide a detailed list of the Pet(s) that will be in the residence:
________________________________________________________<br> <BR><li><b>Previous Residence Information</b><br> <br><ol><li>
Previous Address _______________________________________
<br> <br>
City: _________________ State: _______________ Zip: ____________
<br> <br>
Length of occupancy: _________
<br> <br>
Phone: (______)_____________
<br> <br>
Landlord's Name: ________________________________________
<br> <br>
Alternative Phone (______)___________________
<br> <br>
Reason for leaving: _____________________________________________________________________________
<br> <br>
Rent Payment $ ________________ <br> <br>  <br> <li>
Previous Address _______________________________________
<br> <br>
City: _________________ State: _______________ Zip: ____________
<br> <br>
Length of occupancy: _________
<br> <br>
Phone: (______)_____________
<br> <br>
Landlord's Name: ________________________________________
<br> <br>
Alternative Phone (______)___________________
<br> <br>
Reason for leaving: _____________________________________________________________________________
<br> <br>
Rent Payment $ ________________ <br> <br>  <br> <li>
Previous Address _______________________________________
<br> <br>
City: _________________ State: _______________ Zip: ____________
<br> <br>
Length of occupancy: _________
<br> <br>
Phone: (______)_____________
<br> <br>
Landlord's Name: ________________________________________
<br> <br>
Alternative Phone (______)___________________
<br> <br>
Reason for leaving: _____________________________________________________________________________
<br> <br>
Rent Payment $ ________________ <br> <br>  <br> <li>
Previous Address _______________________________________
<br> <br>
City: _________________ State: _______________ Zip: ____________
<br> <br>
Length of occupancy: _________
<br> <br>
Phone: (______)_____________
<br> <br>
Landlord's Name: ________________________________________
<br> <br>
Alternative Phone (______)___________________
<br> <br>
Reason for leaving: _____________________________________________________________________________
<br> <br>
Rent Payment $ ________________ <br> <br>  <br> </ol><li><b>Vehicle Information</b><br> <br>

<table border=1 width=90% align=center cellspacing=0>
<td align=center>MAKE</td><td align=center>MODEL</td><td align=center>YEAR</td><td align=center>COLOR</td><td align=center>LICENSE PLATE#</td><td align=center>STATE</td><td align=center>PAYMENTS</td></tr>
<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>

</table><br> <br><li><b>Employment Information</b><br> <br><table cellpadding=4>
Employer:</td><td> _______________________________</td></tr><tr><td>

Dates Employed:</td><td> _______________________________ </td></tr><tr><td>

Position:</td><td> _______________________________</td></tr><tr><td>

Supervisor:</td><td> _______________________________ </td></tr><tr><td>

Phone:</td><td> (______) _________________________ </td></tr><tr><td>

Salary:</td><td> $ _________________ per ________________</td></tr></table> <br> <br>

<table cellpadding=4>
Employer:</td><td> _______________________________</td></tr><tr><td>

Dates Employed:</td><td> _______________________________ </td></tr><tr><td>

Position:</td><td> _______________________________</td></tr><tr><td>

Supervisor:</td><td> _______________________________ </td></tr><tr><td>

Phone:</td><td> (______) _________________________ </td></tr><tr><td>

Salary:</td><td> $ _________________ per ________________</td></tr></table> <br> <br>

<li><b>Banking Information</b><br> <br><table cellpadding=4>
Name:</td><td> _______________________________</td></tr><tr><td>

Account Type:</td><td> _______________________________ </td></tr><tr><td>

Account Number:</td><td> _______________________________</td></tr></table> <br> <BR>

<table cellpadding=4>
Name:</td><td> _______________________________</td></tr><tr><td>

Account Type:</td><td> _______________________________ </td></tr><tr><td>

Account Number:</td><td> _______________________________</td></tr></table> <br> <BR>

<BR> <BR><li><b>Credit Information</b><BR> <BR> <BR>Have you declared bankruptcy in the past seven (7) years? Yes [ ] No [ ].<BR> <BR>
If yes, please explain _________________________________________________________________________________________<BR> <BR> <BR>Have you ever been evicted from a rental residence? Yes [ ] No [ ].<BR> <BR>
If yes, please explain _________________________________________________________________________________________<BR> <BR>Have you had two or more late rental payments in the past year? Yes [ ] No [ ].<BR> <BR>
If yes, please explain _________________________________________________________________________________________<BR> <BR> <BR>Have you ever willfully or intentionally refused to pay rent when due? Yes [ ] No [ ].<BR> <BR>
If yes, please explain _________________________________________________________________________________________<BR> <BR> <BR>Have you ever been convicted of a crime, other than a traffic violation ? Yes [ ] No [ ].<BR> <BR>
If yes, please explain _________________________________________________________________________________________<BR> <BR> <BR>We may run a credit check. Is there anything negative we will find that you want to comment on? Yes [ ] No [ ].<BR> <BR>
If yes, please explain _________________________________________________________________________________________<BR> <br> <BR><li><b>Background Check</b><br> <br>

A public records search will be conducted on each adult occupant. Any one or more of the following will result in automatic denial of the application:
<li>Felonies or misdemeanors involving sexual misconduct;
<li>Felonies or misdemeanors involving the illegal possession, manufacture, sale, and/or distribution of a controlled substance;
<li>Felonies involving a physical crime against a person or persons and/or another person’s property
</ul><br> <br></OL>The parties hereby indicate by their signatures below that they have read and agree with the terms and conditions of this Agreement in its entirety.<br> <br><table id=forms border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top>Landlord:<br> <BR>
Signature: ___________________
<BR> <BR>
Print: ___________________

</td><td valign=top>Tenant:<br> <BR>

Signature: ___________________
<BR> <BR>
Print: ___________________
<br> <br> <br>Tenant:<br> <BR>

Signature: ________________________________________
<BR> <BR>
Print: ________________________________________
<br> <br> <br> <br></td></tr>

<input type=hidden name=docid value='Rental Application'>
<table width=95% align=center border=0>
<td align=left><INPUT type=button value="Make Changes" onclick="back2();">
</td><td align=right>
<input type="hidden" name=docid value="Rental Application">
<input type=submit value='Purchase Agreement' onclick='payment();'>
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Senior Member
looks good to me

You ought to not pu do not read
cause then we will:bounce:


Senior Member
What was we reading????:rofl::rofl::rofl:


I can't read anyway


Senior Member
Wonder what he was testing? I never did hear no beeps r anythang. Or that "This has been a test of sumthin or other". I bet he was just seeing how many veiws he'd get if he put dont read on his thread.

Allen Waters

Senior Member
only ways to stoppin em now is delete'n da post.
can't go a tellin us redneck type not to read somthin. and xpect em'
not 2:whip::whip: :bounce:

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