Thankful for a strong, young son!


Senior Member
My old man was fully disabled back when he was in his early 30s before he was 35 I remember that. His time spent during his rowdy youth years unfortunately caught up with him full force and then some. Underwent numerous invasive back and neck procedures, suffered numerous strokes and seizures, along with 2 heart attacks to boot. To put it lightly the man has experienced in every sense of the term of what exactly a glimmer of what **** on earth could be like and to this day lives with the nonstop pain and agony but manages to find a way to push through it all. Through the years despite everything he always managed to find a way to stay in the woods no matter what. In that time I learned to go the extra mile doing the bulk of the work setting up stands, clearing access trails, shooting lanes, food plot prep work and maintenance, any time he killed a deer we would track it together and then I'd drag it back to be loaded up and generallu speaking after while managed to jerry rig my own method of self loading the deer so he wouldn't have to help. Did it gladly because that has always been our thing as father and son was the love for the outdoors. Pretty much any time he needs something done in the deer woods I generally always make myself available to take care of whatever it is he needs done. Nowadays he's got a handful of comfortable tower stands set up on the property he hunts so all he has to do is climb in and sit back and relax.