The shout out to the Forum and a Thank You to a member...


...just joking, seriously.
The Forum and its members come through again!
I recently commissioned Captain Quirk to build me an IWB holster because the DeSantis sof tuck I've been using was leaving me chafed by my firearm. I had tried a couple of other commercial rigs also, but if they kept me from chafing, then they were lacking in some other area. I just couldn't find what I wanted. So the Captain put together a plan and a digital prototype for me with the belt hook I wanted and the positioning of the belt hook that I wanted and the versatility of a couple of different belt hooks with multiple positioning possible. He covered the back profile of my HK p30sk with leather so it would not chafe. He also brought the bottom of the holster down three eighths of an inch past the front end of my slide so that the slide would have no chance of rubbing on me. We left the bottom of the holster open.
The Captain took my input, designed what I wanted and gave me a product that was of better quality than expected. All for WAY less than I had spent trying to improve on the DeSantis.
And I even tried to overpay him (and TOLD him to enjoy the extra change with a case of beer!), but he sent me a refund instead!
Here's to Captain Quirk, good guy and maker of fine leather products! I'm hoping we can meet up for a good lunch one day...
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Old and Ornery
Staff member
The man can work magic with leather. He made a holster for my 45 Long Colt that is a work of art.


The Great and Powerful Oz
You wear Calvin Klein drawers?????


Nice leather work.....


...just joking, seriously.
I'm a fruity loom kinda guy.
That must be a sack o my wife's dancin threads under the ironin board...:biggrin2: