Treble Hooks


Senior Member
Does anyone else bend down or file off the barbs on their hooks. I mainly fish with lures (99% of the time), my favorite is a top water (skitter walk). I have for many years bent down the bards on the hooks so it is easer to remove them from the fish and hopefully givethem a better chance of survival (that and a few years ago I had to take a trip to the hospital to have a treb surgically removed from my thumb).


Senior Member
I used to file the barbs off of my jig hooks when I fished inshore.
It made it easier to unhook small fish by just giving slack to the line.
Gets you back fishing quicker.


Senior Member
I take barbs off mirrolure because it’s easier to get hook out of me whenever I trout fish.Do I lose some yes but not enough to matter.


Senior Member
Think I'll start bending the barbs down.

Acouple of years ago I caught a big ol ladyfish on a Mirrolure. Got hook stuck in thick part of base of my thumb - deep. Ladyfish flopping around grinding that hook in deep and then the rear hook was in the other hand. Not really sure how it happened but I was handcuffed by a Mirrodine. Had wife hold the ladyfish (which helped a lot). No way I could get the hook out (tried to tear one side out, which was pretty stupid and thankfully not successful). She ended up getting pliars and getting one side out and I ran the other side all the way through, cut the end off the hook and slid it backwards and out.

Was bleeding like a stuck hog. She asked if I was going to the doctor. I told her heck no - I wasn't enduring that and just leaving. I was going fishing.

Ended up catching a nice mess of trout.