

King Casanova
After seeing your photo of these trespassers, I would bet that they WILL come back and YOU need to get "creative" in a hurry. I think that you should immediately change the location of your cameras so that you can still get their photos without them seeing your re-located cameras in that area. I strongly suggest that you put "dummy cameras" in the place of your original location that took this photo because these two trespassers are looking right at your camera and I think that they will come from a different direction and try to steal any your cameras as soon as possible to keep their photos from being seen.

For any night-time intruders etc, apparently most people believe that anyone can see the red-glow flash of every trailcam at night with no problem. WRONG !!! I have tested cameras probably more than anyone on this site and that reddish flash only last for probably 1/100 of a second and if you are not totally straining to look directly at the camera when this happens, you will still MISS it !! I have NEVER seen any wildlife that was spooked by this red-glow flash. I have set up multiple camera locations with up to four cameras on small areas before as one camera actually covers another camera as it covers another camera location etc. What you might see on the actual photos on your computer after down-loading the cards etc is a bright lit-up area of a deer, racoon, coyote, bobcat etc BUT the animals involved are NOT spooked by this as they don't see that bright flash that appears on your actual photo that shows on your uploaded photos if you have another camera flash at the same time.

Old non-functioning cameras still perform a GREAT service to property owners that have had problems with trespassers/trash dumpers, etc. The fact is that no matter what brand of camera that you use, none of them are going to last forever. This opportunity has worked great to use these "non-functioning" old cameras in a positive way to deter trespassing. Some of my friends on this website have been the benefactor of using some of my "non-functioning" cameras for these set-ups over the years and it worked great to eliminate the trespassers.

I am just offering others SOME proven "food for thought ideas" to help make your property safer. For any newer members that don't know me, the above information is based on my 10 plus years of using trail cameras with over 1,300,000 photos taken and reviewed by me personally.


Senior Member
Yep when we were kids you could go anywhere and no one would hardly ever know . Now you step in the woods you get your picture taken .
Ain’t that truth ..... It definitely has changed the outlawin game .... I’m gonna quote one of my childhood friends “ I HATE them things , I can’t do nuthin no more “