Useles Billy said this thread had a "Hemi" but he don't know what that means!! #577

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NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
whatcha mean he wont crate? don't give him a choice. Stick his butt in there and latch it closed. if he barks, cover it with a blanket


Deranged Throat-Puncher
Rub his nose in it and spank him with a magazine.


Deranged Throat-Puncher
I house broke my lab really easy and quick. My kids wouldn't listen when training this shi tzu so she thinks it's ok to sneak off into the corners of the house and poop. She really likes the laundry room.

NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
kiefer be goot fer 'em.

I like the Diamond puppy food. can get it at TSC


Senior Member
Walk away for ten minutes...three pages later!


Deranged Throat-Puncher
Craigslist candidate.. Jus sayin

I wish I could, I'm just to much of a softie when it comes to my daughter. If y'all remember I got about $4k in leg surgeries for this stupid dog. If it weren't for my daughter it would have been a .025¢ .22lr

NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
after a week of Pappy crate training, all you gotta do is tell them, Kennel, and they will go right in. They know what is coming next if'n they don't


Deranged Throat-Puncher
They say that's inhumane.......tolt me at the pet store that that is not the way to house train a dog

They say don't spank kids, look at our society now!!!!!


I Gots Goats
When I wuz a kid, if our dog got injured, my dad would make my mean brother take it out in the woods n shoot sed he just couldn't do it, and I'm thinkin' that's half the reason why mean brother is the mean brother


Staff member
I had a dog that popped in the house all the time. I wokd stick his nose in it and throw him out the window every time.

Well one day he popped. He stuck his nose in it. Then jumped out the window.
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