You know Time was when I had a shelf full of Books in my office.


Fast it's coming to me having a shelf full of laptop computers.

This stuff these days beats all.

I've got a phone system that needs a Win 98 running machine with a serial port to program it. I have an ancient laptop with a cracked case for that purpose. It's the only computer I've got that has that port on it, and they evidently quit making that port.

Then there's this new remote sign on thing to the company website. It requires XP to work. Won't work with Vista. Fortnuately when my Quickbooks payroll ran out and I had to get another I abandoned my XP laptop to get a faster one to run the bloated Quickbooks which currently doesn't like the latest update to MS office 2007 and now won't print an envelope or invoice. :hammers::hammers::mad:

Pretty soon I'm going to have a shelf full of computers and it'll be like it was 20 years ago with books. Just pull out the laptop for that job and fire it up.

Now, if the geeks in charge of this mess would make it so that one power supply cord would do all I would have to keep crawling around under the desk to plug in a new thing a ma bob.
