
Senior Member
Red maples down the street in bloom the week before Christmas. Atamasco lilies, little wild white "Easter lilies" (early Spring bloomers) blooming in the yard now and have been all fall/winter. Been seeing spent yellow jessamine blossoms on the ground in the woods. Spend a lot of time driving through swamp land, hunting in and around swamp land fishing local waterways, and haven't seen a single hornets nest all year. Been several years now actually. Used to find a couple big pretty ones every year. Got some red salvia growing in pots planted in May still blooming. What y'all seeing in your out and abouts?


Senior Member
Lows in the 50s this am point to that big storm system back to the west having the fuel it needs to fire up Sat afternoon.
Nearly any green leaf within 4 ft of the ground has been eaten by now.

Gary Mercer

Senior Member
Got some cherry trees blooming around. My Encore Azaleas are confused and are trying to set blooms. Loquat trees are blooming.(Still) Thought I saw a Scotch Broom blooming. (Forsythia)
And the Sand Hill Cranes haven't been seen or heard up here for over a week.
Same forecast as WestCobbdog.


My fig trees are trying to bud out....worried about a freeze and it sets them back. Did it two years ago and not many figs. Last year was warm and I had a bumper crop.

Canna lilies are trying to sprout back up.


Senior Member
Seeing vaccinium (high bush blueberries) blossoms 'bout ready to open.
Next week temperature might put the quietus on that!


Daily Driveler News Team
My Bermuda never went completely dormant yet..Maybe next week.


Saw tadpoles in our little retention pond at work today.....tadpoles....mid January.

Noticed late 2018 going into this year I have seen butterflies in every month. You use to never see them in the winter.


Have seen several turtles and snakes on the dirt roads the past few days, they will be in for a shock next week for sure.

Looks like we might get some high 20's for lows and low to mid 50's during the day here in NW FL next week as well.


Senior Member
Just now (7:00 a.m.) sitting on the screen porch eating breakfast and waiting on the deer to come out, I saw movement on the ground out in front of me. Looked and low and behold it was a toad hopping along! It's been amphibian weather down here (SOWEGA) for a week or so - warm and wet "... I ain't seen the sunshine, in I don't know when..."


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Just now (7:00 a.m.) sitting on the screen porch eating breakfast and waiting on the deer to come out, I saw movement on the ground out in front of me. Looked and low and behold it was a toad hopping along! It's been amphibian weather down here (SOWEGA) for a week or so - warm and wet "... I ain't seen the sunshine, in I don't know when..."

I just came back inside right before that quick rain shower and had a couple of toad frogs hopping around. Not what you expect to see in January.


Just now (7:00 a.m.) sitting on the screen porch eating breakfast and waiting on the deer to come out, I saw movement on the ground out in front of me. Looked and low and behold it was a toad hopping along! It's been amphibian weather down here (SOWEGA) for a week or so - warm and wet "... I ain't seen the sunshine, in I don't know when..."
It's rare to see the sun up here in the tundra,in the winter,,,,

Gary Mercer

Senior Member
I'll bet the peach farmers are celebrating. They had to be getting close to another early bloom disaster. This cold should put a damper on that.


Senior Member
I mowed my yard yesterday. This is my first needed mowing for January in seventeen years here. As I mowed, I realized the St Augustine, Bermuda, and centipede were almost completely green. This morning my lawn looks great. For many years I killed my first turkey of the season within days of the first mowing. Speaking of that, turkeys are gobbling pretty good the past few mornings I’ve been out early, toad frogs are out, and armies of grasshoppers are flying out of my controlled burns. We need some cold to square things back up.


Senior Member
I mowed my yard yesterday. This is my first needed mowing for January in seventeen years here. As I mowed, I realized the St Augustine, Bermuda, and centipede were almost completely green. This morning my lawn looks great. For many years I killed my first turkey of the season within days of the first mowing. Speaking of that, turkeys are gobbling pretty good the past few mornings I’ve been out early, toad frogs are out, and armies of grasshoppers are flying out of my controlled burns. We need some cold to square things back up.