40 years later on this date.


Resident Homesteader

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
Elder husband: Honey, we've been married for 40 years.How in the world did you put up with me for that long?
Elder wife: That simple... every time I got mad at you I just went and cleaned the toilet.
Husband: That's odd. How did that help?
Wife: I used your toothbrush.

Happy Anniversary!

Congratulations. 40 deer and turkey seasons is a long time.
It's 41 for us. We had crab legs on our FIRST anniv. On a better note. Aint never got mad at H22, but if I did I sure wouldn't clean the toilet. I have been known to pour ice cold water over the shower on him. :bounce:


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
Happy Anniversary....tell him/her that you love him/her every day.....you never know what tomorrow holds.......lost my wife of 47 years on Jan. 9 of this year after a 6 year battle with ALS.....a very tough journey.....but we had 47 wonderful years together....
My deepest condolences.


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
Happy Anniversary Mrs H!!! :cheers: