anybody heard of this guy?...


Senior Member
anybody ever heard of David Debatto?? he wrote this following article on Iran.......supposedly he is a
former U.S. Army Counterintelligence Special Agent.

if this turns out to be true we are sure going to be in a mess......

Here is the following article:

Research Editor's note

We bring to the attention of our readers David DeBatto's scenario as to what might occur if one of the several contingency plans to attack Iran, with the participation of Israel and NATO, were to be carried out. While one may disagree with certain elements of detail of the author's text, the thrust of this analysis must be taken seriously.


"Israel has said a strike on Iran will be "unavoidable" if the Islamic regime continues to press ahead with alleged plans for building an atom-bomb." (London Daily Telegraph, 6/11/2008)
"Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany joined President Bush on Wednesday in calling for further sanctions against Iran if it does not suspend its uranium enrichment program." Mr. Bush stressed again that "all options are on the table," which would include military force. (New York Times, 6/11/2008)

We are fast approaching the final six months of the Bush administration. The quagmire in Iraq is in its sixth painful year with no real end in sight and the forgotten war in Afghanistan is well into its seventh year. The "dead enders" and other armed factions are still alive and well in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan again controls most of that country. Gas prices have now reached an average of $4.00 a gallon nationally and several analysts predict the price will rise to $5.00-$6.00 dollars per gallon at the pump by Labor Day. This, despite assurances by some major supporters of the decision to invade Iraq that the Iraq war "will pay for itself" (Paul Wolfowitz) or that we will see "$20.00 per barrel" oil prices if we invade Iraq (Rupert Murdoch).

One thing the Pentagon routinely does (and does very well) is conduct war games. Top brass there are constantly developing strategies for conducting any number of theoretical missions based on real or perceived threats to our national security or vital interests. This was also done prior to the invasion of Iraq, but the Bush administration chose not to listen to the dire warnings about that mission given to him by Pentagon leaders, or for that matter, by his own senior intelligence officials. Nevertheless, war gaming is in full swing again right now with the bullseye just to the right of our current mess – Iran.

It’s no secret that the U.S. is currently putting the finishing touches on several contingency plans for attacking Iranian nuclear and military facilities. With our ground forces stretched to the breaking point in Iraq and Afghanistan, none of the most likely scenarios involve a ground invasion. Not that this administration wouldn’t prefer to march into the seat of Shiite Islam behind a solid, moving line of M1 Abrams tanks and proclaim the country for democracy. The fact is that even the President knows we can’t pull that off any more so he and the neo-cons will have to settle for Shock and Awe Lite.

If we invade Iran this year it will be done using hundreds of sorties by carrier based aircraft already stationed in the Persian Gulf and from land based aircraft located in Iraq and Qatar. They will strike the known nuclear facilities located in and around Tehran and the rest of the country as well as bases containing major units of the Iranian military, anti-aircraft installations and units of the Revolutionary Guard (a separate and potent Iranian para-military organization).

Will this military action stop Iran’s efforts to develop nuclear weapons? Probably not. It will probably not even destroy all of their nuclear research facilities, the most sensitive of which are known to be underground, protected by tons of earth and reinforced concrete and steel designed to survive almost all attacks using conventional munitions. The Iranian military and Revolutionary Guard will most likely survive as well, although they will suffer significant casualties and major bases and command centers will undoubtedly be destroyed. However, since Iran has both a functioning Air Force, Navy (including submarines) and modern anti-aircraft capabilities, U.S. fighter-bombers will suffer casualties as well. This will not be a "Cake Walk" as with the U.S. led invasion of Iraq in 2003 when the Iraqi Army simply melted away and the Iraqi Air Force never even launched a single aircraft.

Not even close.

If the United States attacks Iran either this summer or this fall, the American people had better be prepared for a shock that may perhaps be even greater to the national psyche (and economy) than 9/11. First of all, there will be significant U.S. casualties in the initial invasion. American jets will be shot down and the American pilots who are not killed will be taken prisoner - including female pilots. Iranian Yakhonts 26, Sunburn 22 and Exocet missiles will seek out and strike U.S. naval battle groups bottled up in the narrow waters of the Persian Gulf with very deadly results. American sailors will be killed and U.S. ships will be badly damaged and perhaps sunk. We may even witness the first attack on an American Aircraft carrier since World War II.

That’s just the opening act.

Israel (who had thus far stayed out of the fray by letting the U.S. military do the heavy lifting) is attacked by Hezbollah in a coordinated and large scale effort. Widespread and grisly casualties effectively paralyze the nation, a notion once thought impossible. Iran’s newest ally in the region, Syria, then unleashes a barrage of over 200 Scud B, C and D missiles at Israel, each armed with VX gas. Since all of Israel is within range of these Russian built weapons, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and virtually all major civilian centers and several military bases are struck, often with a result of massive casualties.

The Israeli Air Force orders all three squadrons of their F-16I Sufa fighter/bombers into the air with orders to bomb Tehran and as many military and nuclear bases as they can before they are either shot down or run out of fuel. It is a one way trip for some of these pilots. Their ancient homeland lies in ruins. Many have family that is already dead or dying. They do not wait for permission from Washington, DC or U.S. regional military commanders. The Israeli aircraft are carrying the majority of their country’s nuclear arsenal under their wings.

Just after the first waves of U.S. bombers cross into Iranian airspace, the Iranian Navy, using shore based missiles and small, fast attack craft sinks several oil tankers in the Straits of Hormuz, sealing off the Persian Gulf and all its oil from the rest of the world. They then mine the area, making it difficult and even deadly for American minesweepers to clear the straits. Whatever is left of the Iranian Navy and Air Force harasses our Navy as it attempts minesweeping operations. More U.S casualties.

The day after the invasion Wall Street (and to a lesser extent, Tokyo, London and Frankfurt) acts as it always does in an international crisis – irrational speculative and spot buying reaches fever pitch and sends the cost of oil skyrocketing. In the immediate aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iran, the price of oil goes to $200.00 - $300.00 dollars a barrel on the open market. If the war is not resolved in a few weeks, that price could rise even higher. This will send the price of gasoline at the pump in this country to $8.00-$10.00 per gallon immediately and subsequently to even higher unthinkable levels.

If that happens, this country shuts down. Most Americans are not be able to afford gas to go to work. Truckers pull their big rigs to the side of the road and simply walk away. Food, medicine and other critical products are not be brought to stores. Gas and electricity (what is left of the short supply) are too expensive for most people to afford. Children, the sick and elderly die from lack of air-conditioned homes and hospitals in the summer. Children, the sick and elderly die in the winter for lack of heat. There are food riots across the country. A barter system takes the place of currency and credit as the economy dissolves and banks close or limit withdrawals. Civil unrest builds.

The police are unable to contain the violence and are themselves victims of the same crisis as the rest of the population. Civilian rule dissolves and Martial Law is declared under provisions approved under the Patriot Act. Regular U.S. Army and Marine troops patrol the streets. The federal government apparatus is moved to an unknown but secure location. The United States descends into chaos and becomes a third world country. Its time as the lone superpower is over.

It doesn’t get any worse than this.

Then the first Israeli bomber drops its nuclear payload on Tehran.

David DeBatto is a former U.S. Army Counterintelligence Special Agent, Iraqi war veteran and co-author the "CI" series from Warner Books and the upcoming "Counter to Intelligence" from Praeger Security International


Senior Member
All I can say is this guy doesn't know diddly squat about US air power vs iranian capabilities.
USAF air power would suffer 1-2 losses max in a straight war w/iran & Iran's AF would be 90% KIA within 72 hrs.
As far as the rest of it, I don't have knowledge to speak to that.


Senior Member
All I can say is this guy doesn't know diddly squat about US air power vs iranian capabilities.
USAF air power would suffer 1-2 losses max in a straight war w/iran & Iran's AF would be 90% KIA within 72 hrs.
As far as the rest of it, I don't have knowledge to speak to that.

yea-but you got to admit the US military is kinda stretched to the limit....


Senior Member
The guy lost all credibility when he wrote the phrase "neo-con".


Just my 02 and I could be way off base here......Despite the "oil" that may play into the equation, I think that a nuclear capable Iran is something that many countries really don't want in their backyard in that part of the world, they just aren't being vocal about it and are watching from the sidelines right now. We may end up with more of an allied support than one would think. But who really knows?


Senior Member
Typical blame America defeatism .


Senior Member
If you read and believe in the Holy Bible and what it says, just such things will happen during the final days of mans history on this Earth!

It ain't going to be pretty!


Senior Member
If you read and believe in the Holy Bible and what it says, just such things will happen during the final days of mans history on this Earth!

It ain't going to be pretty!

I do,and I do.It is inevitable that this world is going to end,as far as mankind is concerned. "We have the technology!" The Bible says the end will be a fiery one,and the surface of the earth will melt in places.
This is a chance for me to warn/preach:bounce: that those who do not belong to God through His Son Jesus Christ will experience this fire,and all the chaos that will come before this [nuclear] fire,AND torment beyond imagination FOREVER!Those that are God's will be taken to a safe home with God.It's simple,but true.Best of all - the escape route is there for anybody that will accept it,free of charge!:cool: Do you want to be safe,or sorry?


Senior Member
This sounds like some kind of pipe dream dreamt by an Iranian. Iran is flying old f4's and f14's. His speaking on the naval disaster is hilarious...our 5th fleet is just across the gulf from Iran right now...I guess he thinks that Iran could just sink the whole thing with their "fast attack" ships. If we wanted it to happen, Iran's whole air force would be completely gone in a week. This whole thing is nothing more than a fictional, unbelieveable worst case scenario played out in some dude's head.


Senior Member
In one paragraph he is talking months and years and in the next the time line is days ?!?!?

My question to this expert is this:

What if we don't do anything UNTIL Iran has a nuke weapon and they use it on Israel OR us ? What happens to the economy then ????


Senior Member
If we invade now Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will probably follow the same script used by Saddam in Kuwait and blow all of the oil fields thinking that he has really done something to strike a fatal blow to the U.S. If we (U.S.) are patient enough Iran will take care of itself in fairly short order. I read last week in The Wall Street Journal citing that 70% of the population of Iran is under the age of 30. The article went on to say that this younger generation is hungry for change and are not the least bit concerned with wearing scarfs on their heads or bowing towards Mecca several times each day. Radical change is fast approaching and when the time is right the U.S. will probably step-in and claim a swift victory provided we can keep Israel on a short leash until then. Those folks over in the Middle East have been killing each other for 5000 years and it's not about to stop tomorrow.


Senior Member
Yes,they have been killing each other for thousands of years,but doing it with sticks and stones is a whole 'nother thing.Nukes will kill everybody!


Senior Member
Yes,they have been killing each other for thousands of years,but doing it with sticks and stones is a whole 'nother thing.Nukes will kill everybody!

buddy, you sure got that right.....