Anyone Seeing Dove ?


The Oracle
Thinking about trying to pop a few dove today. Got 4 brand new shotguns that need to be tried out.

Curious if anyone is seeing dove?
I didn't even know it was season until yesterday. I have a few hanging around the house (in town) and wondering what's happening on the farms in middle Georgia.

Thanks for any replies.?


The Oracle
OK Folks. The fun day as follows.

Took out my new RIA .410 today.
6 dove, one rabbit at my Uncle's place and next lot over.

Got home and got a squirrel with the pellet rifle. Got all of them dressed and in the freezer.

Also, got to put in my bamboo thread, cut 6. Messed up 2. Got 4 on the basement floor.

Either hanging with a weight or laying in the rafters to dry per NCHB. We will make 2 out riggers and 2 in riggers for trolling. Going back soon to get a few big ones for river pole holders and turtle pegs. A few more crappie and brim poles as well.

I had a great day today. Hope y'all did too..

Might post this in some other forums.?
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Staff member
I see about 25 under my bird feeder every day. :)