Best Camp Coffee?


Senior Member
A percolator and a single burner that screws onto a small propane bottle. Has the water boiling in +/- 3 minutes. I do not like to wait around for that 1st cup, especially when its cold.


Hey Wharf - Just thought I'd mention that my username on the pensacolafishingforum is wharf rat and my avatar is a redfish. Small world!


Years ago I went on a moose hunt and the Injuns had prepackaged coffee in packets. They would fill up a coffee can with water and put a pack in. Then they boiled the water for awhile and it was ready. It was not "instant" coffee, it was real. I have never been able to find those packs since, but the sock thing in a can sounds about like the same operation.


Senior Member
Mix up a jar of cold-brewed coffee. It acts like concentrate. Just put the jar in the cooler and top it off with a few ounces of water heated up over the fire and it just as good or even better than if you had brewed it right there. The cold brewing process results in a smoother, less acidic taste as well.


Senior Member
If you go the perculator route, pay the little extra and get a stainless steel one.

I like the older alum. type. The coffee seems to "cook into" it. Kinda like a well seasoned fryin' pan. Had a buddy of mine leave his alum pot in camp when we were campin on the remote Tugalo Lake one time. I brought it out with me. Called him and told him I had his pot. First thing out of his mouth....Do not wash my coffe pot !!!


Senior Member
I like the older alum. type. The coffee seems to "cook into" it. Kinda like a well seasoned fryin' pan. Had a buddy of mine leave his alum pot in camp when we were campin on the remote Tugalo Lake one time. I brought it out with me. Called him and told him I had his pot. First thing out of his mouth....Do not wash my coffe pot !!!

Enjoy your alzhiemers.
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Senior Member
I am doomed from all the 12 ounce cans I have drank from and all the cans of vienna sausages and potted meat I have had over the years !!


Senior Member
I am doomed from all the 12 ounce cans I have drank from and all the cans of vienna sausages and potted meat I have had over the years !!

You've got a point. I'm likely doomed myself.

Anyway..... here's an idea for you wharfrat:


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Senior Member
After reading all the great suggestions, I compromised with the old sock and found filters for the old aluminum camp pot, added about 2 knuckles of grounds, and 5 cups of water, let it boil over 3 times and was perfect!

On another note, I tried a friends French press and it was outstanding as well!

Thanks for all the coffee is a must after camp nite beverages!