Bigfoot photos captured


Senior Member
It is on fox news dot com. Not going to post link. Usual reason. Not going to take the fall for someone else's website and read all comments.


Senior Member
Could be Taylor Swift or Fetterman off in the distance - they are in the news a lot. Regardless, let's think through this mystery:

1) the train comes through this spot on a regular basis - it's literally a sight-seeing passenger train
2) the "bigfoot" is in plain sight in broad daylight
3) bigfoot is not so close to the tracks that it would be obvious if it was a (probably giggling) person in a costume, but not so far away you can't make out the general image and shape of a stereotypical bigfoot

This has hoax/prank written all over it. :unsure:


Senior Member
Could be Taylor Swift or Fetterman off in the distance - they are in the news a lot. Regardless, let's think through this mystery:

1) the train comes through this spot on a regular basis - it's literally a sight-seeing passenger train
2) the "bigfoot" is in plain sight in broad daylight
3) bigfoot is not so close to the tracks that it would be obvious if it was a (probably giggling) person in a costume, but not so far away you can't make out the general image and shape of a stereotypical bigfoot

This has hoax/prank written all over it. :unsure:
It's not out of the realm of possibility.


Staff member
That was about as hokey as sightings get.


Useles Billy ain’t got nothing on ME !
They must have needed filler for the page ? I'm not sure why they even bother posting stories like this , that is one of the least believable pictures or videos and stories I've ever seen.
I've seen more believable stories/photos of black panthers on these very forums. And that ain't intended as praise for said instances.


Senior Member
They must have needed filler for the page ? I'm not sure why they even bother posting stories like this , that is one of the least believable pictures or videos and stories I've ever seen.
Indeed this is the old tabloid Weekly World News level of a story.


Cap`n Jack 1313