Busy Weekend


Senior Member
Graduation in 10 minutes...

After this, a new DO will be heading to Ft Gordon or Eisenhower, whatever they call it now.
It's Eisenhower now, but I still call it Fort Gordon - even when I'm there! Nobody has corrected me yet. That said - a 3.98 in chemistry & microbiology? Awesome! I can't even imagine having somebody that smart in my family - I know he will do well in his future endeavors. :)


2023 TURKEY CHALLENGE 1st place Team
It's Eisenhower now, but I still call it Fort Gordon - even when I'm there! Nobody has corrected me yet. That said - a 3.98 in chemistry & microbiology? Awesome! I can't even imagine having somebody that smart in my family - I know he will do well in his future endeavors. :)
Yeah, old names stick, just like Bragg and Benning


Staff member
Congrats, that is just awesome.


2023 TURKEY CHALLENGE 1st place Team
Y'all will have to put him on some fishing and wing shooting when he gets there