Buying a 500 gallon propane tank?

Looking at installing propane on a house site and wanted to know if anyone knows how much a 500 gallon tank costs to buy outright - thanks.


Senior Member
Looking at installing propane on a house site and wanted to know if anyone knows how much a 500 gallon tank costs to buy outright - thanks.

Never known anyone who bought one ... we rent ours from our propane supplier. It's only like $35 a year for tank rental and they come out once a year and inspect the tank fittings and gauges and keep everything in good working order. It's worth that to me know it's properly maintained.
Better to buy one like you're looking to do. That way you can purchase the gas from any provider. If you rent/lease, you're locked into buying gas from them.

This is a big deal when gas prices are high. They don't all charge the same thing. Call around, Everybody's price will be different. May as well be able to buy from the cheapest seller.
Just read where they won't fill a tank that wasn't purchased from them.. something about 10,000 fine if they fill someone elses tank. Sounds like royal poo to me.


Just read where they won't fill a tank that wasn't purchased from them.. something about 10,000 fine if they fill someone elses tank. Sounds like royal poo to me.

They absolutely won't around here. The only way you can get one filled is rent it.

Our club has propane heat in it and we'll use about 300 gallons per year. I bid it out every year and tell the current supplier to either come down on his gas or come pick up his tank. The one last year didn't think I was serious, his tank has been sitting in front of the clubhouse for 5 months now waiting for him to come get it.

The difference in price wasn't small, it was something like 75 cents per gallon difference between the 2 suppliers. Pretty much I got 400 gallons for the old supplier's 300 gallon price.

It's an aggravating way to do business, but is the way it is I suppose.



The propane company can't fill a tank leased from another company, but there is no law saying they can't fill a tank that you bought.