Cell Phone? Lake Oconee & Russell


Senior Member
I spend most of my time on Lake Oconee and I'd like to find a cell phone that works better in this area than my T-Mobile. I've heard Verizon has better service in this area but do any of ya'll have any recomendations. I also fish a fair amount on Lake Russell and my T-Mobile service is worthless there.....no signal at all.

My other more important question has to do with the internet and cell phones. I'd love to get a phone that allows you to connect to the internet and check email (so I can work out of the boat....lol) and would love to be able to go to the weather channel online and check the radar as its awefully easy for these nasty summer thunderstorms to sneak up on you only to be caught in a situation that aint to safe and 5 or 6 miles from the ramp. I don't know if this is possible but if it is could someone fill me in.

Anyway, I'm not a big cell phone techie and only get a new phone every 3 years or so so I need to bring my self up to speed on the latest technology available. Thanks!



Senior Member
Get yourself a Verizon Blackberry phone/pda. Thet will solve all your issues. You can also remote into your network and admin your servers/desktops with it as well.


Senior Member
talked to some people earlier today and supposedly verizon works alot better around oconee and it supposedly even works over on lake russell which will be nice as I fish alone a good bit over there and its always made me a little nervous not being able to get in touch with someone since my t-mobile service got no reception. I went and got a couple of the motorola phones and signed up for the internet access. Pretty cool as I can check/reply to email and go to the weather channel and view a color radar screen in case the weather starts looking iffy. I'll follow up in the next week or so to let you know how well it works.



Senior Member
I have Verizon....It picks up fine on russell.....Can't say about Oconee....I know Cingular has NO service on the lake....


Senior Member
My phone (cingular) works fine at oconee, but at Russell there are very few places it will even get 1 bar. I fish around coldwater mostly so I don't recall how it was near the dam.


Senior Member
I don't get any signal at russel . Thank Goodness. It's nice leaven em the truck. :clap: :banana: