Consider take underprivileged hunting?

DYI hunting

Senior Member
Has anyone ever considered offering a hunt to poor or underprivileged kids or adults? I am not talking about those riding welfare who just choose not to work or work hard. I am talking about the family who is struggling, working their butts off making minimum wage trying to survive. Or the family who has lost a loved one, home, or job who are living paycheck to paycheck.

I know there are some out there with leases that see deer daily that would be little affected by taking someone hunting to kill a deer for food. And think of the joy it would bring you to do just that. Of course processing fees being what they are, deer meat is not cheap, so providing processing or cutting it up for them would probably be needed also.

I know there are some out there without the land or money to lease land who need the meat and would enjoy the hunt.

So, why havn't I seen posts like that yet?

DYI hunting

Senior Member
This thread is dropping down the board pretty quick. I guess it will be buried in a hour.

Nobody thinking of charity?


Senior Member
I think (and would hope) we all would and DO do that but as I sit here, I can honestly not think of a candidate that fits the bill you describe. They either 1) don't hunt 2) have more pressing concerns or 3) already have a place to hunt.
But of course it's a great idea as you've laid it out if you happen to know someone in that situation. Be good for their freezer and their spirit.

DYI hunting

Senior Member
That is my problem, it is too hard to find someone who fits the bill. Plus, this year I don't have much land to hunt.

I know this elderly man who is now too old to safely hunt or shot a gun. Back when I was 17 (13 years ago), he mentioned how he wished he could hunt since it had been a long time since he had a deer rifle or land to hunt. He was old then, but still able-bodied. He was a poor farmer and could have really used the meat. I was young, selfish and stupid, so I never asked him. That burns my soul to this day everytime I see him, it is a regret I will carry with me the rest of my life. :banginghe

I have seriously been thinking for awhile of finding someone who could use the stress relief of breaking their back everyday and also use the meat. I just wondered how many have considered doing something like this.

Ta-ton-ka chips

GONetwork Member
I think about it and wish I had a kid to take. Always too many things to do.
I have committed to take a stepsister's son, probably around Thanksgiving. She's a single mom and they're struggling.
Probably be more beneficial for me than him!

DYI hunting

Senior Member
Got a PM from a guy willing to take someone hunting. That is what I am talking about.

Now where are you guys with the 1,000 acre leases that are seeing 10 deer a day?